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My group has been a little light on damage, and I've been considering re-rolling my Ill/Poison controller. I want it to be the same character though, and I'm having trouble figuring out what would be both good flavor and an effective combo. I'd been imagining the poison as hallucinogenic gas enhancing his illusion magics, and I always use the Arcane power pool with him.

My main thoughts are Psi or Rad? Patron/Epic pools I usually go either Soul Mastery or Psionic. Thanks in advance for any input!


You could also go /dark and use the original /dark graphics colored like poison/gas clouds, maybe.  I haven't played one myself, but I've heard that ill/dark is a good dom combo.

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I'm not entirely sure that the small bump in personal damage is going to overshadow the large decrease in team damage as envenom, poison trap (proc'd) and venomous gas all contribute quite a bit to team kill speed.


Of the two I'd go with /psi over /rad. Some of the cast times in rad assault are just painfully long.

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