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Earth, Electric, Dark, Ice, or Plant with Force Field?


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So im recently returning to homecoming and im thinking about trying out Force Fields now that it has been updated with a bit of -resist to make it more effective.


Im trying to decide what to pair it with, and Earth, Electric, Ice, Dark, and Plant are at the top of the list.  Earth, Electric, Dark, and Ice are all controller sets ive never taken to 50.  And plant fits a theme I had in mind. 


Ill probably be duoing with a friend most of the time.. So im looking for something that is powerful enough to do AVs in a duo without a HUGE investment.  Any of these combos that capable?  


Any advice and opinions are welcome.  Thanks.

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Earth - exceptional control options, terrible damage. hardy pet. def down in most skills.


Electric - good sleep skill that pulses, 2x pets, some end drain capability. sorta looks cool next to ff bubbles.


Ice - ice needs a buff. it really does. slow makes hit less, so with increased def from ff there is synergy. but id avoid ice control at the moment. its a shame, its been bad since live.


Dark - haunt (fire and forget mino 2x pets you use like a nuke, they wajder about for a bit). synergy with def from ff when combining -to hit on dark skills. a hold zone. decent doggo pet.


Plant - very good confuse skill, carri9n creepers.


most synergy with primaries you mentioned for /force field - dark.

Edited by honoroit
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plant is pretty damned amaze. and the carrion creepers mess with mobs too... the confuse, a d even the sleep spores... skip spirit tree. the pet does fling thorns if i recall right.likewise skip the single target Immobilize, unless in specialist cases (i.e. skip) - plants ST hold is slow to cast (1.67s dark vs 2.07s plant). it messes with your cast chain a bit as so. 

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