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I dont think the character I want to play exists in COH

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So after 100s of alts and years of off and on playing, I think I may have to just admit that there is no perfect character that is going to "click" for me. I figured id make a post about it though, and see if anyone has a suggestion.


So, what ive been trying to build forever is a character that fits the playstyle I enjoy, but doesnt have any of the key weaknesses that annoy me.


The playstyle:  Battlefield controller/general.   Ive played my fill of in-your-face type damage dealers and tanks, and what im really wanting is someone who creates controlled chaos.  Fire and forget powers, toggles, passive damage dealers, CC, etc..etc..   Powersets like Plant control and Storm Summoning come to mind.   I dont mind getting my hands dirty with some straight up blasting as well.. I just dont want that to be all im doing.


The weaknesses im trying to avoid:


-Endurance hogs

-No Mez protection

-Annoying perma-power toggling (i.e. having to keep hasten and dom up, rather than just having a single auto-cast ability)

-Inability to solo bosses

-Boring/repetitive playstyle, or a lack of engagement (i.e. Illusion control is effective, but super boring without some fun additions from other sets)


On top of that I just want to feel powerful.  Knocking things around and such.  Maybe a big damage number occasionally.


Anyway.. ive played a LOT of controllers.  Tried quite a few doms and corruptors and defenders.   Never was able to get into masterminds because the pet controls were so intensive that basically all you are doing is telling them where to go, and resummoning them as they die over and over.


So thats where im at now.  I cant seem to find any character that fits my needs just right.  If anyone has an archetype and powerset combo that you think would be a perfect fit, feel free to shout it out.  I am looking for inspiration.

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There is more than one technique to keep toggles up permanently. Simple rolling binds on the forward movement key will handle most; about the only time I leave any toggle or duration power off that string is when they are not perma duration and I want to be able to reserve them for (heavy) combat, or if they're real End hogs and I want to control when they're hogging.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

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I have only played Dark and Ice Controllers.  Both those felt close to what you describe.  But you say you have looked at a lot of controllers.  If you have run through both those i got nothing

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Illusion/Storm/Psionic- So much chaos!!  Psionic Mastery pool to get some mez resistance from Indomitable Will,  S/L/Psy resist from Mind Over Body, and you can later get Clarion Radial for more mez resistance and boosts to your mez.  It is a little end heavy, but you have to slot smart, use blues, buy survival amplifiers, or recovery serum.

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3 hours ago, Damoklese said:

The weaknesses im trying to avoid:


-Endurance hogs

-No Mez protection

-Annoying perma-power toggling (i.e. having to keep hasten and dom up, rather than just having a single auto-cast ability)

-Inability to solo bosses

-Boring/repetitive playstyle, or a lack of engagement (i.e. Illusion control is effective, but super boring without some fun additions from other sets)


On top of that I just want to feel powerful.  Knocking things around and such.  Maybe a big damage number occasionally.


I feel like you're looking for some sort of Diablo-like character who uses damage auras. The first character type that came to mind were either a Spines/Dark or Spines/Fire brute, but you did mention you don't want to be in your face.


The next option is something with damage auras, pets or a lot of pseudo pets. Sets that fit that are:


Fire - Hotfeet, Bonfire, Fire Imps

Darkness - Haunt, Umbra Beast

Plant Control - Spirit Tree, Carrion Creepers, Fly Trap


Secondary powers which have mez protection:



Force Fields (this one has rather low damage)

Sonic Resonance


Of the weaknesses you mention, I'd forgo mez protection. I find that with IOs and incarnate powers, mezzes are mitigated that the duration is rather short. Personally, I think a set with a lot pets and soft controls (area slow, knockbacks) are what you're aiming for. Darkness Control/Storm? Darkness Control/Traps? Fire/Traps?


But I agree with the others, there doesn't seem to be a combination that fits everything you want.

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5 hours ago, Damoklese said:

Anyway.. ive played a LOT of controllers.  Tried quite a few doms and corruptors and defenders.   Never was able to get into masterminds because the pet controls were so intensive that basically all you are doing is telling them where to go, and resummoning them as they die over and over.


When I play a mastermind, I keep them in defense mode (turtling up) and I usually target through one of them.

I find that a mastermind with electricity is a lot of fun and survivable. The buffs and the heals jump from the target to nearby characters, so if you use them on a minion that is near you, there is a good chance you will get the heal/buff as well.


5 hours ago, Damoklese said:

So, what ive been trying to build forever is a character that fits the playstyle I enjoy, but doesnt have any of the key weaknesses that annoy me.


All power sets have weakness.

Weaknesses can often be covered by teammates.


There are questions that need to be asked. We can assume, but stating them helps clarify.

Are you power leveling to 50 from the get-go?

Are you soloing?


5 hours ago, Damoklese said:

-Endurance hogs

-No Mez protection

-Annoying perma-power toggling (i.e. having to keep hasten and dom up, rather than just having a single auto-cast ability)

-Inability to solo bosses

-Boring/repetitive playstyle, or a lack of engagement (i.e. Illusion control is effective, but super boring without some fun additions from other sets)


I would say go with a scrapper, tank, or brute if you want to avoid mez.

I would say go with regen on that melee character if you don't want to worry about end.


Devices on blasters helps keep up with the end use.

Electricity sets can often slot end mods so you can slot multiple Performance Shifters - Chance for +END


By soloing bosses are you talking about bosses, EBs, or AVs?

Any archetype and powerset can defeat bosses and most EBs if you play to the strengths of the sets and know when to run if you have to.


The way to avoid boring/repetitive playstyles is to alway PuG. You never know what the other players are going to do, and, if you work to try to help fill in gaps where the team is weak, you have to think about it and can switch up how you are playing with each PuG you join. 



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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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6 hours ago, Damoklese said:

 Never was able to get into masterminds because the pet controls were so intensive that basically all you are doing is telling them where to go, and resummoning them as they die over and over.




That maybe true in the earlier levels or if you don't IO them out, but once you invest into them I rarely have to resummon mine and honestly rarely have to direct them much (especially if you go with a ranged MM set).   There are a few tricky mobs or maps though where it does become necessary.


Overall however, I think you are close to it when you mention plant control.   I'd probably suggest plant/traps as closest to fitting your criteria.  A build that has also definitely benefited now that you can skip web grenade which was always a waste of a pick with plant in the past.


Honestly a lot of sets can fit what you seem to want though, if you are willing to fill the 'holes' with incarnate powers or P2W buffs/temps.

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I think what you might be looking for is a SOLDIER OF ARACHNOS.

 You can set up 3 totally different builds or 2 hybrids. all build will have complete mez prot. and a lot of team support.

The crabermind is a popular choices as it has 6? pets plus full support, brute lvl  resistances and an awesome slate of attacks.


I myself did a full team support soldier build that's quite fun.

you should take a look.



and good hunting

Edited by Lazarus
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5 minutes ago, Lazarus said:



I was just typing this suggestion!! But if they've played hundreds of characters it's likely been tried, C'est la vie


Massive control and massive damage don't really converge in COH until very late game. Mostly, it's choices and trade offs.




"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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I dunno, a good Dom is a thing of beauty and does a little bit of everything, depending on the power sets and build: ranged, melee, holds, pets, etc.  And if it bugs you clicking that one Dom button all the time, set it for the auto-fire option.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Play Mech Warrior Online


Buy a Battlemaster or Cyclops


Form a mercenary unit


Lead your minions into battle while barking instructions over comms.


Run away from light mechs trying to stab you in the back as your unit crumbles around you



There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator but only a fraction of people understand that.

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Hard to figure out what the best would be for your needs. Is there maybe a character from another game that plays in a way you like?




If you’re having END issues, it’s usually a build problem. Most ATs and sets have their issues sorted by level 20 or so. You can probably get help on that in the builds forum or in discord. 

As for Mez protection, you only really need KB protection because KB is common from 1-50. Blessing of the Zephyr, Karma, and Steadfast Protection are cheap and do the job. For everything else, it’s just not as needed. If you’ve got controls or big damage you can typically neutralize any other threat before it controls you. On my guys without Mez protection, I’m generally much more concerned about -recharge, -recovery or -damResist than about holds and such. 

You can go permadom without hasten. It’s awesome, although is typically a more expensive build. Or just put dom on auto and just live with it not being up 100%. I’ve done permadom with and without hasten, and also non-perma dom. It all works. 

Inability to solo bosses again sounds like a build issue. Or an expectation issue. Hard to say. 

I can’t speak to boringness or lack of engagement. 

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Oh yeah, there are macros for effectively having hasten and domination both on auto. I haven’t used them, tbh. But I assume they work like the farming macros that both attack and convert all your inspirations to reds. YMMV. 

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What you're looking for is either a Grav/Storm slotted with KB/KD where relevant, FF+Rech on at least three attacks, Clarion, and the Atlas Medallion, or a Fire/FF stacked the same way but with Ageless.


Either one settles around 330% recharge in combat, which on a Grav/Storm means 3 or 4 Lightning Storms out in a kill zone that you can just WH everything into, AoE Immob, stack stun, Gale the survivors for an FF+Rech bump, Tornado to stack FF+Rech, WH is recharged, one storm is dying, chunk out another then go get more chum from the map.  It's a machine.


Fire/FF is a little more direct - Smoke, Bonfire, Repulsion Bomb, head into the mob with your Imps at 59% Def (All), Hotfeet slowing everyone in your immediate area, ST hold your bosses every 1.4s, Bonfire's back up, everything is dead.  It's a sexy machine.


If i could record 4k without it pixellating into a mosaic, I'd show you what I mean.  But either one, set up as described, does what you're talking about.

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Anything you can have, we have it.  Even got a devil in the attic.

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13 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

Play Mech Warrior Online


Buy a Battlemaster or Cyclops


Form a mercenary unit


Lead your minions into battle while barking instructions over comms.


Run away from light mechs trying to stab you in the back as your unit crumbles around you

I pilot a direwolf and no one ever follows when assaults commit to a charge

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On 1/8/2024 at 3:53 PM, Damoklese said:

So after 100s of alts and years of off and on playing, I think I may have to just admit that there is no perfect character that is going to "click" for me. I figured id make a post about it though, and see if anyone has a suggestion.


So, what ive been trying to build forever is a character that fits the playstyle I enjoy, but doesnt have any of the key weaknesses that annoy me.


The playstyle:  Battlefield controller/general.   Ive played my fill of in-your-face type damage dealers and tanks, and what im really wanting is someone who creates controlled chaos.  Fire and forget powers, toggles, passive damage dealers, CC, etc..etc..   Powersets like Plant control and Storm Summoning come to mind.   I dont mind getting my hands dirty with some straight up blasting as well.. I just dont want that to be all im doing.


The weaknesses im trying to avoid:


-Endurance hogs

-No Mez protection

-Annoying perma-power toggling (i.e. having to keep hasten and dom up, rather than just having a single auto-cast ability)

-Inability to solo bosses

-Boring/repetitive playstyle, or a lack of engagement (i.e. Illusion control is effective, but super boring without some fun additions from other sets)


On top of that I just want to feel powerful.  Knocking things around and such.  Maybe a big damage number occasionally.


Anyway.. ive played a LOT of controllers.  Tried quite a few doms and corruptors and defenders.   Never was able to get into masterminds because the pet controls were so intensive that basically all you are doing is telling them where to go, and resummoning them as they die over and over.


So thats where im at now.  I cant seem to find any character that fits my needs just right.  If anyone has an archetype and powerset combo that you think would be a perfect fit, feel free to shout it out.  I am looking for inspiration.

Just out of curiosity have you tried a Dark Dark Brute?   This is my main. YES it is an end hog.  Until you build it right.  When you use all the toggles it creates a ball of hate you can STEALTHILY place anywhere you want.  Rularu eyes and Rikti drones notwithstanding.  It is challenging due to the active nature of choosing your fights and managing the right powers to deal with the situation.  It is MIGHTY.  I have my build in Brutes forum.  At least one person who say they ran it “exactly that way” could not keep it alive.  I find unless I jump into three spawns at +4 (usually trying to rescue a squishy) I cannot die.   

Edited by Snarky
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I think you need to let the builds come together. There is no perfect build for everyone, but there are ways to make every build perfect for what you need. I do concept builds, meaning, I think of what I want the "character" to do then set about making it do just that. I am by far NOT an expert on builds, but I think what you want is out there if you let the build come together correctly. 

Paragon Vanguard
Jerrin Bloodlette
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many others

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I think you can get everything on your list -- just not in one character!


I like Grav+Storm, Illusion+Storm, Storm+Storm, heck, I like Stormies!

Fold Space can be a real force multiplier, too. And don't overlook Defenders.


If you're soloing, I had a Bots/Traps Mastermind that was amazing at controlling the map, but on teams he didn't have time to set things up. MM tip: make yourself an "everybody kill THIS guy" macro. It's a "Nuke them from orbit" button.

UltraAlt's advice about turtling with def mode is spot on, too. MMs should be in that mode by default.


Anyway, good on ya for giving the ol' game a workout!



Edited by DoctorDitko

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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On 1/9/2024 at 6:09 AM, UltraAlt said:

The way to avoid boring/repetitive playstyles is to alway PuG. You never know what the other players are going to do, and, if you work to try to help fill in gaps where the team is weak, you have to think about it and can switch up how you are playing with each PuG you join. 

It is not often that I agree with Ultra on anything 😉 but in this case I very much do: Teaming with PUG's is generally a good way to avoid that feeling of "I always play the exact same way on this character" (which is a frequent annoyance for me on all the various ATs). Because the team's behavior is unpredictable and changes often, it keeps you on your toes to have to adjust to them. 


As others have said, if you (the OP) have played hundreds of different characters over multiple years it is unlikely that any of us will be able to suggest a character that ticks all your boxes. However, that won't stop us from trying 🙂 So here are a few ideas you might try, if you haven't already:

- Storm/Water defender: My own go-to a couple of years ago when I felt like you do now. Lots of controlled chaos, pretty good ranged damage output. I'll spare you the full sales pitch, as you might already have tried it, but for me this combo felt much like what a dominator should be, without the need to maintain Domination. Not my personal favorite char, but a good mix of controls, chaos and ranged damage, which might work for you.

- Energy/  or Dark/  blaster. A bit more plain vanila, but both have knockback in several attacks, which is a soft control of its own and can be turned into KD if you are willng to pay the KB2KD tax. Dark/  also has a few other control elements attached to its attacks. Not a repetitive playstyle. because you have to choose your attacks depending on whether the situation requires a mix of control and damage or simply a max-DPS loadout.


I personally have not had endurance issues with any of the above, but tbh that might be due to my builds or my slowish playstyle.


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8 hours ago, cronus said:

I pilot a direwolf and no one ever follows when assaults commit to a charge


I do but I'm usually dead by that stage! 🤣



There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator but only a fraction of people understand that.

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