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Posted (edited)

I read Force Redux's rather excellent guide on Dark Miasma, and found a few example builds (of dubious age) to base my build on. I've run a Bots/ MM before and I have done Dark/ Defenders before, so I am somewhat familiar with both power themes, but never together.


I've had bad experiences before with Group Fly, with both bots (now junk) and team mates (now deceased)...so it is not in the build.

Mids Reborn has some kind of strange glitch with the resist percentages in 'View Totals'. I was doing pretty well then <pfftzizzle> everything shows like -999%, and I have no idea how to make it stop. I've tried a couple of different Exports but its not working very well (frowning)

I'll try 'BB Code' this time, and hope you can read/reproduce it. I'd like to know if I have made any egregious errors in powers/slotting/enhancements.


[EDIT: Removed the text blob, and the latest version of my build is farther down in the thread. -Pek]



Edited by Pekiti
removed text to shorten things

There's a total of 3 necro/dark posts on the front page of masterminds currently. Each one has builds posted in it. I'd suggest trying your build and the others on the test server. See what works best for you. Look at the comments in the other threads. That way you can compare contrast your build with others and implement feedback to improve your build.


I have no idea how to use the test server (/shame)|


But reading the other posts did give me some useful info - I didn't know that my MM personal attacks spawn shades, so now I have a reason to put Life Drain back into the build. I also didn't know that Enchant Undead and Dark Empowerment could be slotted with uniques that will give my pets regen etc.


I originally wanted Rune of Protection for click status defense/resists, but its a 3 power pick (Mystic Flight is fine, and then either Spirit Ward or Arcane Bolt). I might drop it and see if I can just get the durations down via Mez Resist set bonuses elsewhere and carry Breakfrees.

I am now 25th level in game and have a better feel for some of the powers (I thought Soul Extraction required my pets to be knocked out on the field - imagine my surprise when I clicked on it by accident during a big fight and summoned an entire football team of spirits)


The evolution of my Necromancer continues...



Posted (edited)

A couple of pros for the Sorcery pool….


1) Two power picks from there, Enflame and Spirit Ward, are both usable on your henchmen.


2) Enflame is a sleeper power.  You can proc it out and cast it on the boss of a spawn who then spreads that damage over others in same spawn, like Confusion but more direct “free” DPS for you.  Or you can cast it onto one of your henchmen as extra free damage also.  It does add up.  Oh and the procs in there not only get a chance to proc on the target itself but as the fire spreads to others it gets further chances to proc -per target hit.-


Personally it’s rare I ever have to pop RoP in the later game as my personal DEF is so high either via self or buffs from others.  But I do find Mystic Flight a nice fly power and the teleport is actually useful for positioning myself and dragging my lazy necrotic friends through middle of spawn to engage faster.

Edited by Crysis
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I like Spirit Ward a lot (been playing Defenders most of my CoX career, and 'protect the team' is in my DNA) but wasn't sure if Enflame was worth anything or if it was like Whirlwind - funny but not useful.

11 minutes ago, Pekiti said:

I like Spirit Ward a lot (been playing Defenders most of my CoX career, and 'protect the team' is in my DNA) but wasn't sure if Enflame was worth anything or if it was like Whirlwind - funny but not useful.

see my edit above.  Procs in Enflame get chance to go off on initial target and thereafter on every other target hit by the flames, all during its rather decent duration.  Like a free series of attacks for the ENd cost of just one.  Very useful against EB’s and AV’s, particularly those who like to run.

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Posted (edited)

So after spending most of the day nomming pizza and fiddling with things, I changed the build to this version. Still not sure how to slot Spirit Ward, but going all in for the recharge bonuses seemed OK. I do not have Hasten in this build, the global recharge on most things seems fast enough. I don't know enough about Incarnate stuff to even guess at how it will change the build for me post 50, so this is as far as I can go until I learn that.

I only just got the Lich, so not sure how/what he does for the team, but the Wiki shows he does throw holds so I picked a Hold set that gave me more recharge. Time will tell if that works out.

Dr Graves v3.0 (Necromancy - Dark Miasma).mbd

Edited by Pekiti
my CDO said fix the punctuation
12 hours ago, Pekiti said:

How do you slot up Spirit Ward? 


For me....


Sprit Ward: Heal and Heal/Endurance Preventative Medicine IO's....nice +RES bonus


Enflame: Go proc-crazy on it.  I tend to 5 slot mine with a +5 ENDREDUX IO, Bombardment: Chance of Fire Dmg, Positron Blast: Chance of Energy Damage, Javelin Volley: Chance of Lethal Damage and Frozen Blast: Chance of Immobilize (more for the stacking holds from myself and others than anything...keeps stuff in the murder box).  



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