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It's as the title says, I'm playing in Praetoria's story line, and the ambushes have finally got to me. I'm using enhancements and inspirations mainly purples because apparently buffing your defense makes the enemies less likely to hit you, but I also use some greens. I'm using what powers I have at the moment to their best ability and I can get through most missions fine. I don't hate the ambushes that show up when you escort someone out, or touch a glowy because those are usually one and done, and if they aren't they usually leave you time to rest, but some of these ambush missions in Praetoria just throw ambush after ambush after ambush at you, and it's not even after a while. It feels like it's about a minute or less at times. How do you all deal with these ambushes, because they make fighting one enemy group into a larger group at times. So it feels like either I just deal and fight in borderline unfair group fights, or go crazy slow through the mission wait for each ambush, hoping I kill them fast enough then move as far as I can before another one shows up.


So yeah rant aside, how do you all deal with these. Is this just a Praetoria issue, because I've had to deal with a few hero side and villain side as well, but they felt usually one and done, save for one or two story archs.

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