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Love my Fire blaster, it's just so much fun! That said everyone I know is playing Fire. Looking for something else to try and I don't see many posts about rad. How is it doing? Strengths? Weaknesses? Play style etc...Any input is appreciated. Also what is a good secondary for it? Or even advice on other Power sets.

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Rad is actually a decent all-around set.  It has fine AoE potential and single target potential, and a useful secondary effect with -def. It's good for a hop in and out playstyle with the PBAoE and nuke, and benefits from a secondary that adds additional PBAoE potential (Atomic being the easiest choice with a PBAoE, Debuff/Recharge aura, Mez Res, and it is possibly the most powerful choice objectively).


You'll do great with Rad primary.

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Back in the day I put off playing Rad for a long time (I think it was Defender-only at launch?), but once I gave it a shot I was really impressed.  It's a good mix of close and ranged, which plays into my jump-jousting playstyle.  Cosmic Burst is also super fun as a huge hit that also stuns.  And of course, mushroom clouds :D .


If you like procs you can put Achilles Heel resist debuff procs into things.



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