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I'm a old school player from triumph and freedom, so this is great seeing this back in full effect. My only question i cant seem to find the answer is this the version before DR? Hopefully lol i hated DR it killed certain sets. I like having to use breakfrees and stuff. The DR years holds didn't work right, stuns most cc was useless in pvp.


It's currently on Issue 25, the issue that was going to be the next one before NCSoft closed the doors to Paragon.  So, most of the developed features at Issue 24 are in the system.  There's another place that has all the details, I just don'g have the link on me.

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?

They called me crazy? They called me insane? THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

Diminishing Returns had to happen. I remember very clearly, the esteemed Jack "Statesman" Emert", issuing a dev letter to the community about those changes. Enhancement diversification was a major theme, and it meant being a bit smarter with how many slots you put into a power and what enhancements you would use. While it was fun - back in the day - to run a perma-Unstoppable Tanker build, it was clear that that's not how the set was meant to be used. The playerbase, however, was very good at adapting. We dealt with it.


Yes in pvp, it was fine before that, you could make a build and it would work, after DR we adapted but it wasn't as fun. Example, before DR if a dominator got hold of you and you didnt have breakfrees you'd probably die, and deservedly so, who comes to pvp with no breakfrees? After DR you could wait 4 sec and just run away as DR would kick in, so it made only ranged fighters viable.


DR still remains, they turned off TS and Heal Decay in PvP Zones.



You have the option to turn off DR, Heal decay and TS in Arena PvP if you so choose now.



I don't think they will ever remove DR from PvP Zones, it would be such a massive shock to anyone who only played post i13. Going into a PvP zone w/o a tray full of break frees would mean certain death for all new players.


DR still remains, they turned off TS and Heal Decay in PvP Zones.



You have the option to turn off DR, Heal decay and TS in Arena PvP if you so choose now.



I don't think they will ever remove DR from PvP Zones, it would be such a massive shock to anyone who only played post i13. Going into a PvP zone w/o a tray full of break frees would mean certain death for all new players.

Thats a great compromise it lets us oldschool players have our fun, i love it lol. Good work

it meant being a bit smarter with how many slots you put into a power and what enhancements you would use. While it was fun - back in the day - to run a perma-Unstoppable Tanker build, it was clear that that's not how the set was meant to be used.

If you can't slot for maximum effectiveness doesn't it just mean that you have to slot dumber not smarter?


In a post IO builds world I can live with ED, & DR but I'd love to see ED turned off for SO only & below builds.

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