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Hamidon raid in the Abyss!


This event begins 06/07/24 and repeats every day until 12/07/24

Have you ever wanted Dinosaurs in City of Heroes? Well believe it or not the Hamidon took it away from us! Destroying the Degen site in the Abyss before those kind scientists could make our beloved Dinos!

In revenge for the Dinosaurs we are assaulting him daily! 5 times! So if you are level 45+ come along to the Abyss and help us kick his blobby butt back into the earth!

Some things that help a ton if you can bring them with you:

High ST Damage toons
Nature buffs/debuffs
Longbow Core Lore pets
Vanguard HVAS
Signature Tank Summons


I look forward to fighting beside you against this evil fiend from the Abyss!
(This is actually an event to harvest the power of the Hamidon and bring it into Kheldian control, assisting us is assisting the Kheldian empire)

Edited by GM Crumpet
was forever, now for six months

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