Labyrinth of Fog
- Added a dialog loop option to return to the weapon checker page on the Labyrinth info NPC.
Gateway to the Font of Malevolence given new visuals; Removed the box blocker.
- Entering the Font of Malevolence while the Minotaur is alive will kick you to the entrance lobby.
- If you own the Avatar of Achlys mini pet a shortcut to the Font of Malevolence will appear in the True Core near the Benefactor In The Fog, if the Minotaur is dead.
- Minotaur now triggers arena transition at 95% HP.
Font of Malevolence spawns individualized in packs of four based on their floor color.
- This will result in them re-spawning more consistently.
Font of Malevolence now spawns a random Giant Monster from the Labyrinth's GM spawn offerings every 75 defeats, before and after the Avatar spawns.
- These GMs can trigger Spectral Pull at sub-50% HP.
Avatar of Achlys can now be spawned once every Minotaur cycle; No longer on a 2-3 hour re-spawn timer.
- Chalice of Malevolence removed as there is no longer a timer for it to track.
- Avatar of Achlys now spawns at 375 total defeats in the Font of Malevolence each cycle. Can only be summoned once per cycle.
- Avatar of Achlys' Malevolent Explosion damage increase/hit-timing staggered.
- Avatar of Achlys now given similar on/off scrolling +ToHit buff to the Minotaur.
- Avatar of Achlys' inherent resistances increased from 50% to 85%.
- Avatar of Achlys' now grants leadership buffs to the Font's spawned mobs.
- Skull FX that highlights the Font of Malevolence is using Spectral Pull now spins.
- Harridan EBs now spawn with Talons of Vengeance packs instead of two Keres.
- Fixed a potential mapserver crash issue related to Draught of Fog usage.
- Fixed numerous misspellings of 'Achyls' in various locations.
- Fixed broken pathing beacons in the newer 5th Column sections.
- Lowered the violet mote's volume so getting it should be easier.
Kallisti Wharf
- Moved the spawn location for the Halloween event giant monsters away from drones which can insta-kill them.
- Fixed AI pathing issues in the end room affecting a few maps in the office tileset.
- Updated Talos Island Alexander Pavlidis model to use newer Warriors assets.
Mini Pets
- Fixed the Avatar of Achlys not being summon-able through the Hologram Matrix pop menu macro.
Halloween 2022 - Trick-or-Treat Elite Bosses
- Power availability on the Arisen Mummy and Hollow Reaper enemies has been adjusted to be better balanced when they spawn at lower levels, gaining powers at Levels 30+ and 40+ to reach their current strength, rather than having full access to all powers at all levels.
Halloween 2009 - Dark Apocalypse
- Defeat badge credit for the banner event now guaranteed as long as the participant hits the target once, no longer requiring 10% team damage dealt for credit.