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About Crypto

  • Birthday 02/19/1995

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  1. This just happened to me. Still unresolved.
  2. My main Negavolt :
  3. Sorry, I have to point out a few errors. Maybe you don't plan to remake this character, but I feel you should know. Character's name should be "Main de la Mort" as "mort" is a noun and "morte" is a feminine adjective. As for the battlecry, I'm sorry to inform you that it makes little sense in French. Maybe "Les ténèbres t'attendent" would fit better. Darkness in French is always plural, so the verb should also reflect the plurality. There's also the matter of the person/people it's destined to. If the battlecry is destined to more than one person, or if you want to use the formal form of "tu", it should be "vous" instead. "Les ténèbres vous attendent". Anyway, enough with the French lessons :P
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