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Posts posted by Hongxiquan

  1. I built this.  It seems like it interacts well in the game.  I run medium purples to softcap my defenses and with the resistances it makes the set pretty tanky along with the regen and health and endurance recovery.





  2. 3 hours ago, ozob said:

    I'm glad you're enjoying the game, but I would ask you what exactly are you bringing to your team?  I have a tricked out Fire/Rad, so I've been playing one for a while:

    What you have:
    Great toggle based debuffs
    Good controls
    Okay damage (gets better when debufs are in place)

    Now let's look at what you contribute?

    No.  Mobs at lvl 50 die so fast you won't even get part of your toggles on before things are dead and gone.  Since they are usually dying so fast anyway, why did you waste the action to debuff them in the first place?  Rad's debuffs were AMAZING through most of live.  They are not needed, or really even that helpful short of AVs and maybe EBs at this point.  Also, this is your secondary... so your primary has little use in that fight at all.  This has always been an issue for CoH and is not new.

    No.  Things die too fast.  If you're wasting time trying to control them... maybe outside of an AOE immob to keep them all in range for the varrious nukes and incarnate nukes that will wipe them out that's kind of a waste of a power.  If I'm choosing between a guy that's going to stop 4-8 mobs or one that's going to kill 4-8 mobs... well it's not a hard choice to make.  Even if the fight goes on for a bit, even Blasters are softcapping def and sometimes resistance now.  Your -To Hit doesn't help me if I'm already softcapped.  

    Yes, you have some and can contribute there.  One of your main powers has both damage and control, making it pretty useful even for a fast moving team.  However, since you never really get your debuffs going, your output is meh... at best.  A Corruptor/Blaster/Scrapper/Sent/Stalker/Brute will do much better with much less setup.


    Yeah, I stopped playing Fire/Rad because they are pretty much redundant to just about anything these days.  Great to solo, fun to play, still strong, but not really useful in teams in high end content any more short of some speed against AVs.  I don't think this is a Martyr complex.  There are some inherent issues with the AT in how the game is currently played.  Discussing them and asking if the dev team can do things about them I think is pretty reasonable.  Look at the changes to Tankers.  I think they were definitely needed.  Tankers have very similar issues that controllers do... their role is not as important as it once was.  Are controllers useless?  No.  But they do lack a clear role in high end content.  I hope the devs do take a look at the AT as a whole and give it similar treatment to what happened to Tankers.

    Hey man, you've clearly thought this out, my character is useless.  That's not been my experience but cheers nonetheless.


    The situation you're describing is the fabled "good party" which from my experience isn't always happening.  And if I'm not really contributing on a "good team" because "everyone else is better" then oh well, better get back to solo farming for me then.

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