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Posts posted by BiteyFerret

  1. This bug is still present. When loading a Dual Pistol (Corruptor) costum the left pistol will always report as invalid on load (even if I save and instantly reload, so it's not a case of an old costume file) and sometimes the pistol model will get reset to the semi auto in-game when changing between different existing costumes.

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  2. This is a weird one, but I've had it happen twice now on my Savage/Shield Brute; it seems it's related to activating the power out of range and then moving towards your target, relying on the queued power to trigger once in range. Both times I would run forward, the power would activate and I would end up being where I originally queued it, rather than at my destination. The second time it happened it also appeared to consume 90% of my endurance in the process.


    There's a secondary issue where sometimes the teleport will complete, you'll do the attack animation, but nothing gets hit (nor are there any miss indicators). It might have to do with using it whilst Hovering and/or height of the character? I only started noticing it after I upped my character height to near max, and a friend of mine has it happen pretty often (likewise a very tall character, but they also use Hover).

  3. I imagine it's an ugly hack to keep the shield from redrawing when other animations play, but would it be possible to make /emotes work on Shield Defense characters? It's not that big of a deal, however it really is a bit of a hassle to be required to use Walk, losing all of your toggles, just to be able to emote.


    And even then it sometimes gets you stuck in a slow motion run instead and you need to untoggle and retoggle Walk before it finally works.

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