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Posts posted by Nide

  1. Tested CoH on a surface pro 4 with win 10 and on a Asus rog with ubuntu 19; first one with a integrated intel chipset, second with a nvidia gforce 660, both should be overkill with CoH engine. Sadly, both installs runs below 15 fps. I'm desesperate to play CoH again. Should I buy a 2010 pc again lol? Got an old 2012 mac book air, maibe it's the best candidate ^^

    Tried every possible set up, tutorial, and the like sigh

    Any help will be most welcome. :'(

  2. I forgot my former server name, but I'm looking for my super group companions. I used to be THE invul/energy tank on my server, running around as the Italian flag (red, white and green), we where raiding epic levels and battling villains in pvp when the world ended.

    I'll roll another La Bandiera on EU server, look me up

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