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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. +1 to changing Mariska Page's display name.

    +10 to an option at the beginning of the fight to betray Harris a few minutes early and help her, either letting her leave (a "rogue" style ending) or sending her back to Arachnos for processing/ransoming/etc (the "villain" style ending).


    I don't like the Longbow multi-arc specifically because of the Harris portion.  I wouldn't call it fridging because this isn't Harris' story (he "grows" into a potted plant), but whatever it's called, it's distasteful even as a villain.  'Neither elegant nor creative,' nor is specifically Page's death required for our objectives.


    I agree with this. The story works as it's written, but it would be more villanously elegant to betray Harris early and discard him as the crazy tool that he is, while capturing Lt Page for Arachnos. Letting him kill her to no gain is not nearly as much fun as betraying him, IMO.

    How about just scrapping the mission and replacing it with a simple dialog option at the end.

    "Harris, security there is still too strong but I can help you. Take these bombs, place them all over the base. I'll set the timer so you can get out."

    Option 1: give bombs with a 60 second timer set. -Counts the same as completing the mission and sparing Harris.

    Option 2: give bombs with a sabotaged timer. -Counts the same as completing the mission and killing Harris.

    Option 3: give bombs filled with knockout gas. -New option. Harris, Page, and the rest all live. You gift Arachnos with a Longbow base full of incapacitated soldiers. Less experience reward but a larger inf. reward.

  2. I think a great fix would be have the limit stay the same, but have any characters in the sg with the same global handle only count as 1 towards said limit. If they do that, then it'd be nifty if they also added an option to join any sg you're part of with an alt. Possibly tie rank in sg to global handle.

    That was my suggestion way back on live. It would fix the problem perfectly. Alts get to join without increasing the max possible players simultaneously online in the SG, saving on resources.

  3. Just make Assaulter MM Primary/Ranged Damage Secondary  You could also do a beastlord type of thing and do MM Primary/Melee Damage secondary.  I love these ideas though.

    Plus it double dips the ranged damage powers to have the 3 pets pool attacks in place. If you've got a full set of secondary ranged powers to pick from, why pick the filler attacks from the primary?


    Why not replace the attacks for that AT then?


    I'm sure you could probably fit in some control or support powers into those slots that are thematically appropriate without being overpowered or stepping on Defenders and Corruptors. They only have three, generally kinda piddly attacks. For example, replace the laser attacks in Robotics with powers from Traps or Devices, replace the attacks from Necromancy with powers from Dark Miasma, and so on.

    That's the idea. Swap the 3 attacks with heals/buffs from other sets that stay with the particular pet's theme. I just feel it's better to do it as an AT secondary pool version. To emphasize the ranged damage pool side of the AT.

  4. Just make Assaulter MM Primary/Ranged Damage Secondary  You could also do a beastlord type of thing and do MM Primary/Melee Damage secondary.  I love these ideas though.

    The reason I went with making the pets the secondary set is I felt the AT should primarily be about their own ranged damage, with the pets being backup.

    Plus it double dips the ranged damage powers to have the 3 pets pool attacks in place. If you've got a full set of secondary ranged powers to pick from, why pick the filler attacks from the primary?


    Also, melee/pets. May require an inherent change to get some serious defense going, and swapping the pet pool attacks for defenses. But wildman leaping into the fray with your wolves... Oh yeah baby.

  5. Personally, Serum is SO bad I'd say screw the Cottage Rule on it, change it to something else.


    My personal preference would be to change it to "Call Artillery Strike"


    You drop a location targeted AoE field that counts down a few seconds and then you have say 15 to 30 seconds worth of moderate to high damage explosions in that area that do knockdown. Think of it as being like Earthquake with damage.


    Also it'd technically be a summon, so it would accept Pet Sets, and therefore the Aura IOs.


    Would help with Mercs' crap damage, and give you an extra CC/mitigation tool in the process.

    I was going to suggest the same thing. Just replace it with a nuke.


    Or, replace it with a pet dependent effect. Call in Reinforcements.

    Used on soldiers it calls in an air strike on the pet's target. Cluster bombing an area with lower damage per hit but multiple hits and knockdown.

    Used on the medic it calls in a triage spot that massively increases health and endurance regeneration for its duration.

    Used on spec ops it summons 3 or 4 more spec ops for a short duration who will spam their grenades and snipes.

    Used on the commando it calls in a tactical nuke strike on the pet's target. A single massive damage AoE explosion with knockback and radiation debuff aftereffects.

  6. Elemental sets for MM would be easiest to implement for new MM sets.

    Like lightning, snowmen, stone golems, and living flames. Just re-use the current models and attacks of things like igneous and the power transfer lightnings guys.

    I personally would love lightning. End drain hitting someone other than me...

  7. Just two ideas I've had since the early days of CoV. The names are crap but I believe the concepts would be fun to play.


    Tactician: Near identical to the Mastermind AT but instead of support pool secondary, they get control pool secondaries. Focuses on damage mitigation through enemy disables.

    Inherent- Attacks of Opportunity. Pets do additional damage to mobs affected by some sort of control power, with different bonuses for different controls. So a small bonus for immobilized mobs, scaling up to the highest bonus for sleep targets. The bonus stacks with multiple effects on a target, like held and immobilized. Also keep the bodyguard effect.


    Assaulter: Diverging from the normal MM AT, Assaulters pick a ranged damage primary and a pet secondary. Their primary focus is as a glass cannon. Overwhelm their targets with mass damage before the enemy gets a chance to take them out.

    Inherent- Group distraction. AKA "He did it." Aggro the Assaulter generated redirected to their active pets, split evenly.


    Pets as a secondary would require some alteration of the pool.

    First, relocate the pet summon powers so they are available at the 1, 16, and 28 spots. Keep the extra first and second tier pets showing up at 6, 18, and 24.

    Second, keep the upgrades where they are so they unlock at 10 and 38. Maybe move the second upgrade to the lvl25 spot, but that would push the bonus power previously unlocked at 18 into the 38 spot.

    Third, the three attack powers get replaced with theme compatible buff or recovery powers from buff sets. Something to help keep the pets going during and after battle but not stuff that distracts the from the primary pool. Like empathy's single target heal, AoE heal, and mezz protect for soldiers. Or warmth and the two fire shields from thermal for demons.

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