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Posts posted by PewPewThwomp

  1. I stopped playing back around issue 7 or 8 and can't remember my former SG. Global handle was @hellsminion.




    Hells healer




    Those were my mains. I'll post my current server later


    New global: @hacknslash


    See you in-game!


    Broadsword's parry is the fun way to laugh at melee attacks even when you're not playing a def heavy powerset as it stacks with repeated usage.  It's strongest attack, headsplitter, also has a small melee cone and knockback so you can hit 2, sometimes 3 enemies at once with it if you line it up.  Its 2nd to last attack, disembowel, also has a knockup effect that very consistently works, to the point that if I chain it with the pbaoe's I need to pause for a second so they'll actually connect.  All its attacks except for parry also have a 7.5% def debuff, so the more you hit the more you'll continue to hit (and if for some reason you want to slot to enhance the debuff rather than murderdeathkilling you can).  Broadsword is essentially katana, but bigger: more damage, more debuff, more endurance, and conceptually similar attacks with vastly different animations; so if you know katana you know what you're getting here.



    So much this! My very first toon was BS/SR. I cried when elude got nerfed, but got over it. BS is still a great set, very powerful.. Parry works very well with SR. If you don't mind the whole "all or nothing" situation of the build, I highly recommend it.

  3. Greetings Heroes!


    It's been over 10 years since I last played CoH and I've missed it ever since! My former Global name was @Hellsminion, but I'm now @HacknSlash. I started on Freedom, but moved to Justice. Now I'm just excited to be able to log in again! Looking forward to doing so Skul crunching!

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