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Posts posted by KvG

  1. 4 hours ago, Rockmason said:

    Thanks KvG.  It's possible that's it.  I remember running with characters like Lumin, Battlestar and PSLAnimal.

    I don't recall either Lumin or Battlestar, but (dimly) PSLAnimal rings a bell.  The LoJ member I teamed with most was prior to her joining the LoJ; her global was @Renata (sp?), her main toon's name as well and IIRC a stone Tanker.  I am sorry that I cannot think of other LoJ player names, either character or global, but perhaps the Bionic Flea or others might know.  In any event, welcome back!  Hope you find both a lot of old friends here as well as new friends.  🙂  Homecoming retains the best qualities of the CoH community that so impressed me when I was a new player: Helpful and Friendly.  I've never seen another MMO community even approach this one.  Guess there's something about playing a superhero (or bwahaha villain) that brings out the best in people.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 55 minutes ago, Rockmason said:

    Ok, I see a name or two I recognize so at least I know this is the right server.  Wish I could remember the name of the Supergroup I was part of, Legion of something I think.  Ah well it'll come to me.   


    Rockmason checking in.

    Hello, Rockmason.  WB!  IIRC, there was a very active (also IIRC, top 20) SG called (appropriately) The Legion of Justice (LoJ).  I remember teaming up with various LoJ SG members, but of course remember few of the character names and/or @global names.   If you weren't in the LoJ, I dunno what Legion SG you were a member of.  In any event, WELCOME BACK!

    • Like 1
  3. Yes, they work on IO Set recipes.  I particularly like coupons for reducing the INF cost of superior (purple) very rare recipes.  Here's the wiki with full details:  https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Entrepreneur_Badge

    As you can see, the coupons are in the Special tab of your salvage, and a single character may have up to a maximum of 10 of these at one time.  If you have these, when crafting at workbench, you'll see an option to click whether to apply the discount (or not).

    • Thanks 1
  4. P2W has nothing to do with this. (Or so I believe.)  Rather than spend 10 million INF, if one earns the Field Crafter badge the portable workbench is an automatically awarded power: ; (from one of my favorite CoH wiki pages: gaining hero badges with effects):



    Note:  One nice i27 change to this is that the Summon Workbench temp power recharges after 5 minutes, not an hour, so one can keep crafting.

  5. 2 hours ago, Baracus said:

    Ya'll can buy it from a PW2 vendor for 10,000,000. I think you need to be lvl 40-45, somewhere in there 🙂

    What you are buying there is the portable workbench - handy tool to be sure.  However, earning the Field Crafter badge means memorized common IO recipes - which require NO recipe and use less INF to create.  (You still need appropriate salvage.)

  6. Thanks in advance, Lost Ninja.  I'll give this a shot.  Here's my current problem (which I hope may soon no longer be a problem):

    I bet this has been addressed elsewhere before, as others tell me they've had this problem also.  I have a character whose keymapping gets reset when changing zones, including entering and exiting instances.  Specifically, it's Look Up and Look Down, which I often bind as DELETE and CONTROL + DELETE.  Any idea why this keeps happening?  It just recently started and most often affects the same character(s).  Thanks much for any insight provided.

  7. On 10/23/2020 at 9:26 PM, GayStar said:

    GayStar.  my main.  I played from Issue 04, until shutdown.

    Energy/Energy Blaster.  lol  "Does my Hair Look O.K?"

    Its incredibly awesome to be back. 

    sorry about all the knockback....


    IMHO, an Energy blaster never need apologize for KB, but flies or hovers overhead trying for KD.  (There are IO procs that now do this automatically.)


    Besides, KB works great as a "soft control" when solo.

  8. On 10/20/2020 at 1:32 PM, Bionic_Flea said:

    Is the player's name a secret?

    I am a trained Arachnos agent!  You won't get me to spill the name of @GayStar that easily!

    (Besides which I would not "out" him or anyone without their permission.)  😉

    So, yay for the original GayStar being back!

  9. On 7/19/2020 at 6:42 AM, Bleyszen Lord said:


    o ya i member u and Velara so many freeking itrail badge attempts for really hard way and avoids the green stuff

       Fire it up!!!

    LOL, I remember those iTrials!  I still miss Velara!  I hope someone is able to contact her and tell her about HC.

    • Like 1
  10. I just this morning (in the wee hours) ran into an original Justice player who is recreating his main/global handle toon.  Just ran into him at Wents in AP (How very like old times), and asked if he was the original from Justice.  He said yes (confirmed when I asked him to remind me what his battle cry was and how I'd died laughing during an ITF when he'd used it during the cutscene.)   He said he'd been back only 3 days, but having a wonderful time.   So I shared the Teleport Room macro, and mentioned that LFG TP (locked team) was a handy way to get around, especially when solo, and offered to hook him up with an SG, which he declined, so as to once again enjoy base building.  I don't know whether he will post here or not, but hooray for another multiyear veteran Justice player returning.

    PS. this was on Excelsior.

  11. On 4/24/2019 at 12:56 PM, Raydien015 said:

    I am the once and future Phil Helioson!

    STILL Missing my pants!

    I hope that means you are doing the occasional Hamidon Raid.  IIRC, it was only once per week on Justice, where you & various others (@warboss, @mightymite, etc.) were regulars!

  12. 9 hours ago, Pesi said:



    I'm @Pesi, same @ from prior to Sunset. 


    Toon names like Miss Pesimist, Pesi Unleashed, Pes Pierce, Vega Adrasteia, and many more. 


    Don't have current characters on updated server, game is still downloading. 


    So good to see everyone <3 Feel free to say Hi! :D

    Hi, Pesi!  Nice to see you here.  I remember you!  Looking forward to teaming up!

    • Like 1
  13. This is for @Brigadon's Dark/Time manip toon for ideas.  I have had a lot of fun with this blaster on Closed Beta.


  14. Yay, Hooray! for old friends reconnecting.  I've been RL busy and (likely) haven't logged on in over a month.  Not yet certain when i'll log in to play.  I keep thinking soon, but then get busy as RL has a way of not so much distracting, as demanding, a certain amount of attention.  So glad to see JUSTICE has ever yet more representation!  Love ya each and all (even if Justice was not your main.)  Maybe we can team and/or league it up to prevent Hami from swallowing Primal Earth, as DE/Hami did Praetoria.  (or do I have my CoH lore amiss.)

    Have a super day!  and /em holdtorch!

  15. Welcome or WB, Iciel!  While I confess I don't recall your character names, I recognize your global.  I feel certain we've teamed up (or league'd it) in the past, and I look forward to doing so again.

    My global on live was @Kristoff von Gelmini, which I have shorted here to @KvG (thank you, Rangle!)  I am so very glad that City of Heroes has returned.  🙂

    /em holdtorch

  16. On 12/21/2019 at 3:35 PM, Heroette said:

    Hello Everyone!  Heroette here!!!  So good to see so many familiar names.  Now, does anyone remember me?  Penelope Pistol was my main (and someone stole my name - haha).  Looking for a Supergroup on Excelsior )  I am Heroette on that server.  Great to be home!!!!

    Welcome back, Plucky!  And everyone else!  🧡  And an especially warm welcome back to Heroette!  I remember Penelope Pistol and a last dance under Atlas as Capt Aqua.  @Healix has a lovely (blueside) SG base on Excelsior.  My fewer red toons have a VG (House Von Gelmini, naturally.) 

    On Justice you might remember me as @Kristoff von Gelmini; on Excelsior my global is easier:  @KvG (i dont think it's case sensitive.)

    Yay for the return of CoH!  Looking forward yet more old friends and new friends!   Stay super!

  17. On 8/31/2019 at 2:58 AM, Nightrise2000 said:

    Found a new bug? Maybe? after this patch.  Bathtub Water is now a solid item, you can walk across them now.  I've tried it in multiple bases now, and before this patch it was treated as water, or at least not solid.  It makes soaking rather difficult, see the screenie.



    This is clearly a case of Hard Water. Call Culligan!  ;-)

  18. Thanks!  I'll give this a try.


    Update:  I had 3 lowbie heroes run thru the AP Safeguard yesterday.  Two of the three already had the "Heart of the City" exploration badge from an earlier attempts.  This time, rather than enter the bank, my character loitered outside until the red lettered "Bank is being robbed" banner appeared.  The safeguard awarded the temp power, spawned a side mission and otherwise performed normally.  :-)

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