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Posts posted by Mitchell

  1. A number of powers can be used while invisible. My main "HP Lovecat", Illusion-Empath Controller, has only 4 powers that draw agro. Without drawing agro She can stand in the middle of an enemy group and disable the 2 biggest Non AV threats, Perma-buff all 7 team mates with +22% to +34% Defense and Clear mind, as well as 900% Regen and 300% Endurance recovery 2/3 up time, and  Perma AB for another 900% Regen on the "problem child" of the group 🙂. After that I seldom need to heal? Even so there have been instances where part of the team wipes and I have arrived just in time to throw a few heals or buffs as the last team mate dies and the enemy stands there and ignores me.  In that case I throw Phantom Army, get the team rezzed and buffed and then kick ass.  What Greycat said is spot on. Most of my time is taken up buffing and neutralizing the big threats. In most cases If I am healing then someone is doing something wrong.

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  2. On 9/8/2020 at 5:02 AM, SuperPlyx said:

    I have bad hearing problems but after seeing it talked about ingame so much I decided to try it. It's hard to explain,but it was like my hearing could not adjust fast enough to the different volume levels. Add in that I had a surgery recently that left half my vocal cords paralyzed I decided Discord was not for me.

    But really I have never felt like I needed it, get on some teams occasionally that seems like they are using it. I can usually figure out whats going on and what to do. 

    You can click on each person and adjust there volume individually so they are all at the same level, and more importantly for me so you can MUTE 6 out of 8 team mates so only the ones who give important info can be heard.  That being said, if I didn't have an issue which makes typing difficult AND a second anonymized computer running Discord to avoid Privacy issues, I would probably not use it at all.


    If anyone WANTS to use it, but avoid certain issues a friend of mine runs it on a cheap android tablet to avoid lagging the game and privacy issues. They run around $25-$75 depending on sales.


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