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Posts posted by HeroesUnlimited

  1. Awesome thread, apologies if I missed it but, would you be willing to work up a BA/Shield Defense Brute build? It's for my son and I've been having a heck of a time finding something online. Thanks in advance if you decide to help out 🙂

  2. 16 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    This isn't so much a build as it is a broad suggestion.


    What goals do you have in mind? Damage at all costs, immortality, somewhere between?


    There will always be a tradeoff between recharge for ideal rotations, stacking defense, rounding out exotic resists, and maximizing damage.


    This is the sort of build I might see from someone who is used to SOs only. Do you have an inf budget in mind? 

    My goals are somewhere between damage at all costs and immortality for sure but with a bend towards damage over survivability. As for a budget, no not really. I have a ton of unused inf. 

  3. 18 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

    Super Speed and Force of Will can go with a default slot unless there is something specific you are looking for in terms of IO set bonus. Hasten can be two slotted with 2 level 50 +5 recharges. CJ and Maneuvers can be one slotted with a LotG Def/+Recharge, but that also depends on things. Some of your attacks are woefully underslotted, ie Burst. Health and Stamina could use more slots, but again, it depends.


    To be honest, if this is what your friend recommended in terms of slots, they should know what to put into said slots, but the number of slots is a mess. There's roughly 7 powers in your primary and secondary I would do the number of slotting differently. I see no epic, so is this even a level 50 build?

    Thanks for the reply W_P! I'm not married to any of these powers. Tbh I'm not even sure how that Force of Will power got in there. Mostly what I'm looking for in this build is for it to be versatile enough to farm if I want to or jump into a TF or other mission with ease. My buddy who helped me with the build (about a year ago) doesn't really play anymore unfortunately so I'm not sure what he was thinking lol. If you don't mind me asking, what would your recommendations be for a respec in terms of powers, slotting, epics etc?

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