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Star Slayer

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Posts posted by Star Slayer

  1. Thanks for taking a shot at my question, Wonder!


    Yeah not knowing the set, wasn't sure what GZ did, really. I see the +Ally HP + HoT: How good is that? Whats the set's main healing method? Ground Zero for the HoT, or Rad Therapy?


    As far as Gamma Boost, the things I'm wondering is how is it when enhanced? In game its showing me a Base of .02 Regen right now. That's worse than Health's base regen rate. But is it more enhanceable? I was trying to answer questions like that before slotting.



  2. I understand the set is new, but to have 0 builds posted up here seems a bit strange. Another point of consternation is my Pine's not registering some power bonuses from /Rad armor, like Gamma Boost. Makes no difference in my Regen or Endurance when toggled on, when I know it actually does in-game. Same with Ground Zero--there's no numbers for when you would be standing in it. Which leaves slotting what could be a potentially powerful Armor set a bit of guesswork for the time being.


    I believed I had the latest version of Pine's....anyone else experiencing this problem? If not, has anyone put together a slotting strategy for /Rad Armor? I may want to bounce a few ideas off each other as I'm building my premium build. Thanks fellow Scraps!

  3. I meant if you were doing that pre-Incarnate, usually the sacrifice to get numbers like that is +Recharge and some damage. But thats good--would love to see your build and how you're still getting there- with Incarnate stuff I'm sitting around 53% I think, which is still fine, but I'm always curious as to how others are getting there and the sets they are utilizing.


    I have a very Damage-Dealing, +Recharge set build so I wouldn't have to rely on +Recharge from  Incarnate slots and could go all damage. I can also post mine later when I have PC access and not on a flimsy chromebook...; P

  4. Right. This is why I prefer Rad/ over the others as I mentioned, because the (mostly) toggles-on, then fire away. Plus if you have the right +Recharge (and Rad DOES) the attack chain for Sonic is rapid and you can stack lots of -Resistance with two, sometimes 3 attacks at the most that fire quickly.


    But yes, I haven't tried Beam Rifle but here its the new rage because of it's debuffing ability and damage.Its a shame most of the models suck... : (

  5. On 7/21/2019 at 9:09 AM, Kruunch said:

    PF gives you a base 3.75% defense. So 3-slotted PF should give you around ~6%.


    Your call if that's worthwhile or not (I have it slotted on my Elec/SD Scrapper but I aim for 59% defense as my personal soft cap (for debuffs and doing +4/+8s)).

    Im assuming you mean with Incarnate bonus...or no? If not, I'd love to get a gander at that Mid's link. Only way I can see that kind of value is stacking melee defense, but sacrificing...probably too much in the process.


    Thanks Kruunch.

  6. Cold/Sonic

    If you notice the trend here (and in this thread in general), the -Resistance debuff on Sonic is just too good if you are creating an anti-AV toon (which I also have and enjoy). When you're considering a group-friendly toon that allows your team to effectively take on AV's, you'll want to maximize the debuffs to the AV across the spectrum, so that usually entails -Resistance, -Regen, -Defense, -ToHit, -Damage (Usually in that order). Thats why you're seeing all the Cold/, Dark/, and Rad/ suggestions, as all three cover all or a wide range of these effects.


    Underrated is usually Dark/ with the -Resistance from Tar Patch (Especially if you're stacking it with Sonic) and the -500 Regen from Howling Twilight, which I believe is still an Auto-Hit (Money!) along with the -ToHit you can essentially floor an AV's accuracy with by yourself.


    I personally run Rad (for now), because I like that its a great utility set that includes an easy group heal, accelerated metabolism (+Dmg, +Recovery, +Speed, +Recharge, +Res Mez...MONEY!) along with the debuff toggles (which I tend to like more now that the patch has hit). If you're designing an anti-AV toon, the Rad/ toggles are fire and forget, allowing you to focus on your attack chain instead of constantly working back in your debuff powers like some of the other sets. Not that this process is THAT big of a deal, but thats simply when preference kicks in. I like to put my toggles on, then DPS the hell out of them.


    Like some others have mentioned, even with the patch Rad/ can still be annoying if you have a fast group-killing team, but in the big-picture, if your group is killing large mob packs that easily, even with a boss, you have a good team and can just focus on DPSing the boss, as /Sonic is ALWAYS going to be useful on them.

  7. Influence and high end builds being easier to come by will keep me playing longer. I don't want to spend hundreds of hours per character to get them where I want them.


    Munki and Justicebeliever have it right. I promise you more people quit the original CoX because they were tired of the secondary grind once you hit 50 to have a premium IO setup that cost billions. I was one of them, and I was a fairly wealthy player with multiple farm incarnates fully slotted out. Nothing like seeing your build go up hundreds of millions of dollars because your slotting requires a single IO that the profiteers and marketeers are currently pillaging people on. Great for you if one dropped. Not so great if you had to acquire financial means to buy it. Marketeering non-stop for a week or grinding endless for a single IO will kill a playerbase much faster than simply allowing the market to balance through conversion.


    The strength of City of Heroes is there's so many archetypes and gamestyles to experiment with, and so many robust slotting and set bonus options at 50 for various playstyles even within each AT. There's a reason ALTitis is a thing, and always has been, a thing in CoX. The more people get to enjoy different characters at the higher tier of slotting capability, the better.

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