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  1. Ah, I see. Well, at least now I have closure in knowing I'm not missing anything and can go after whatever I think is interesting! Thanks for letting me know!
  2. So I'm pretty new, just joined the Homecoming stuff a few days ago after not having played CoH since even before the shutdown. I did a story arc Hero-side involving the Skulls' Superadine operation, with a bunch of connected missions from Eagle Eye. Without getting into spoilers, I finished the last mission, and have been eager to see how the story continues (as it didn't really get "wrapped up" in the traditional sense). However, despite following any missions I've come across involving the Skulls, even to the point of finding a clue hinting at the arc I'd already done in a different arc, I can't seem to find where this overarching story (since it also branched off from a previous storyline) continues, if it even does. Was hoping some people who are veterans of the game or just know more than I do might point me in the right direction to continue the arc working against the Skulls, Trolls, and Family in this regard, or at least tell me if it doesn't continue passed the point I've already gotten to, as I can't find information in either direction online. Thanks for the help if you're able to provide it! Edit: Completely forgot to say the name of the arc! My bad! Arc was called "The Lords of Death."
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