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Posts posted by TGDkeywi

  1. 24 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Alt+tab or Win+D is just as quick, and once you have the wiki open you can just leave it there, ready to be accessed again as needed.  No need to divert developer resources at all.

    I'm not saying it's hard to take advantage of a computer and multi-task resources like the game and a wiki; I'm just saying it would be a nice thing for the player base if there was a minor connection between those two things within the game itself

    I think we just have a difference in opinions on what merits a User Experience/Quality of Life update, so I don't think there's any point in trying to debate farther. Otherwise, we may end up bogged down in semantics or strawmen about how "imagine if browser developers said they didn't want to divert resources into 'saving bookmarks'", and I'd rather this thread stay clear in case any HC crew come through and want to read & weigh in

  2. 7 minutes ago, biostem said:

    CoH is lightweight enough that you can Win+D or alt+tab to an open Wiki window.  I would rather the game NOT link to external resources, especially since, AFAIK, the Wiki is NOT maintained by the HC devs.  If a player can be bothered to learn a slash command, they can be bothered to click the link to the Wiki and/or bookmark it.

    Even in Guild Wars 2, the wiki command is completely external from the game itself. It switches you from the game being the active process to opening the default browser on your system. Their wiki is also community driven/supported. The slash command there is provided as a quick way to go from "I'm in game" to "I'm reading the wiki".

    Providing the ability to context-switch like this in game doesn't prevent or replace the functionality of things like saving bookmarks; it's just another way to simplify and/or streamline the process for players who may not already know exactly what information they should have already searched for and saved links.

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  3. Hopefully this is posted in the right forum (relatively new to navigating the forums here), so please move this if it is best suited somewhere else.

    I don't know a lot about the architecture of the game, but I think something like the /wiki command from Guild Wars 2 could be a nice adjustment.

    For those unfamiliar with that game/command, the gist of it is:

    • "/wiki" opens the player's browser to the GW2 wiki's homepage
    • "/wiki <search terms>"  takes you to the search results or directly to a page (based on the wiki redirecting)
    • "/wiki [chat link]" takes you directly to a page, or a list of page links based on the chat links provided


    This feature would make it a lot easier for new players to start interacting with game knowledge they encounter live (eg seeing a player advertise for a DFB group, a new player could quickly "/wiki DFB" and be clicks away from learning about the Death From Below trial)

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