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Random Axis

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Posts posted by Random Axis

  1. 18 minutes ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

    Probably would have been if the game didn’t get shut down and we weren’t running on a skeleton team of volunteers. Though personally i think a trial instance could work, maybe? Tricky part is that many of those ruined galaxy city maps actually have, to my knowledge, nothing in common with actual Galaxy City zone map. In the Shining Stars/Hearts of Darkness arcs, if you look beyond the map forcefield you can also see the city is pretty intact which I guess is just live dev oversight.

    Definitely a huge project for a volunteer dev team that has other stuff going on. Even stitching together parts of Boomtown, the GC tutorial and other destroyed zone would be a big undertaking.

  2. 2 hours ago, Uun said:

    You're thinking of Entropic Aura (scrappers/brutes), which is a taunt aura and provides a recharge buff from/debuff to each foe in range. Entropy Shield (sentinels/stalkers) has a flat recharge buff and doesn't target or effect foes at all.

    How would I be thinking of the power on an AT that I don't have any with Energy Aura?


    I haven't played that character in 200 days. Looking through the build in mids, Entropy Shield and Overload had close range effects on the enemies. That it's just overload changes nothing about what I said. It's on a 17 sec cooldown. Being close lets me unload with the big attacks, then suck up a bunch of endurance to keep the pain coming.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Techwright said:


    I see what you're saying and I'm puzzled by the description you posted.  The original game shut down in November 2012.  So it should have been at most slightly more than a 1 year gap.  There's been much discussion in the past on these forums about where Homecoming is in the timeline.  The general consensus (beyond "timeless") is that lore-wise, we're only months out from the shuttering point of the original game.  Perhaps the Homecoming development team has made an official ruling on the timeline and I didn't get the memo.


    Even so, time is wonky in the game.  For every character it is really about the individual story, so although a level 50 went through the Skul hunt events of Eagle Eye's missions years ago, from a level 10's perspective, they are new and fresh events.

    It's right there in the screenshot from the plaque. "...the city gates being shut for over a decade now." No wiggle room there. The plaque is in Perez Park right by the SG portal if you want to read it yourself.

    I'm well aware of what otherwise is the game's wonky timeline otherwise. I've taken part in said discussions on the discord to flesh out backstories and such.

  4. I've always been under the impression that the meteors hitting Galaxy City was a recent event. NPCs ask for donations to help the refugees, and the reconnaissance officer calls in breaking news. 


    Turns out that's just massive government incompetence, since when you completed the Galaxy City tutorial that was (at least) a ten year jump cut when you arrive in Atlas Park.



    My point here isn't "LOL. Devs wrote something silly", but that I think a level 54 hazard zone would be really cool. As suggestions to populate it with:

    • Shivans (duh)
    • Arachnos. GC is their main entry into the city.
    • Sky Raiders. The FBSA couldn't pull all their artifacts and other goodies out of the Freedom Corps HQ, so they're picking through the rubble. (also a few of my character's backstories reference them doing this and I don't want to rewrite them 🙂)
    • I think the Lost would be a neat addition since they could make their way here through the ruined sewers. They'd probably need a revamp like the other factions have gotten to be challenging opponents at this level.
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  5. 54 minutes ago, MrPengy said:

    Normally when I run a PUG (usually radios or papers, with an occasional arc like the Hollows) I invite characters of all levels. As long as you get a few high enough level toons, most teams can handle content even with some level 1ish heroes who are functionally useless against +2s.


    Some times though, a level 50 maxed out character will join our level 20 radio team. And it kinda sucks the fun out of it. These level 50s have tons of set bonuses, and tons of slots filled with much better enhancements than I can put in the measly 2-4 slots each power has. This is weird to say, but I actually like playing my characters. When a level 50 maxed out scrapper can solo an entire mob of the +1s I can barely hit, I'm not really playing, I'm just throwing powers into the ether while he murders every thing in sight. It prevents me from getting a feel for my powers, ya know? Like how is that new armor power I just picked up? Dunno, every thing dies before I can get hit. Is this debuff making the enemies powerless against us? Well, they were already powerless against the one guy. Is my control power even worth using? I can't tell, because there's no threat to try it against!


    Also, some times, I like to struggle. I have fond memories of less than perfect teams biting the dust almost every encounter in Faultline and still pulling out a victory. I can faceroll mobs while barely watching the screen when I hit 50, until then I want to actually fight.


    Now I get that I'm running a team, and I can do it any way I damn well please. If I want to run a radio mission where I only invite heroes with a banana theme, that's my choice! But how would you react if some one was forming a team, and not allowing any one over a certain level?

    I would be perfectly OK seeing "lf3m for hollows arc. No one over level 40 please." pop up in the LFG channel. 

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  6. On 7/19/2024 at 2:12 PM, Mr. Apocalypse said:

    I personally probably will never do the content that awards them in any great numbers,

    I wouldn't call it great numbers, but if you respond to the Giant Monsters callouts in the LFG channel, they all drop 1 or 2 monstrous aether (once every 18 hours per monster). You don't need to team up for them. Just show up and start punching or zapping. You're not in a team, so you can take a break as needed. Three monstrous aethers convert to a prismatic aether in Pocket D at the hologram by the redside bank.

  7. The two best ways to handle MoG in my opinion are 

    1.  Murder arrest them before they pop MoG.
    2. Bring some psi damage. MoG offers no additional protection against this type.

    I do like the suggestions in here about reducing duration. If the team has no psi damage, MoG makes the mob a tantruming toddler and you just wait around until they tire themselves out.

  8. 21 hours ago, Laucianna said:

    What is the bind to have it be just double click? I've never heard of that one ❤️

    Here are my PB specific ones:


    /bind RightDoubleClick "powexec_toggleon energy flight$$powexec_toggleon quantum acceleration"
    /bind LeftDoubleClick "powexec_toggleoff energy flight$$powexec_toggleon combat flight$$powexec_location cursor white dwarf step"


    They can also be combined with shift, control, and alt like any other bind.

  9. 17 hours ago, Icono04 said:

    a. Blaster, sentinel, stalker and scrapper are the most simple choices. All you do is use your attack powers and hit the enemies, and that is all your teammates expect you to do. Stalker and scrapper play pretty similarly to each other, so don't fret too much over which one to try first. Sentinel does a bit less damage than blaster but is more survivable, so a good choice for a beginner.

    To add something to this, the sentinel also has a built-in power (Called the inherent power. All archetypes have one) of Vulnerability that debuffs the defense and resistance of a single target. Besides your ranged damage, you toss it on bosses or other tough enemies to help your team take them down. It's a good introduction to debuffing without needing to manage a whole powerset full of debuffs to manage.

  10. Binding things to the double clicks is extremely convenient, but the double right click is less functional than the left one. The left double click will fire off even when clicking on buttons like using the AH or a vendor. I am 100% ok with this since the power trying to go off while doing those things in Pocket D is worth it always working when I need it in a mission.


    That's not the case with the double right click. The double right click will not trigger if the right click activates a context menu no matter how fast I hit it. That is extremely annoying in a crowded area since the context menus block the bind from activating since the right click keeps opening and closing menus instead of activating the bind. 


    As a kludge, I could just not use double right click for anything I'd need in a crowded area or execute a power at a location, but I don't see any compelling reason to need to have that limitation.

  11. Nearly all the time I talk to Null, it's for a new character that needs multiple interactions to set everything up. Unfortunately, this requires completely restarting the conversation and needless clicking. I'm not sure how the scripting is set up, but I'd like an additional dialogue option to return to the list of things Null can do rather than restarting. Here is an exhaustively produced CGI rendering of what I'm proposing with my changes in yellow.



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  12. At endgame, the extra power of defender buffs is too often wasted. People are already near or at resistance and damage caps. That means the weaker corrupter version is plenty and the higher damage is more beneficial in teams which is almost all of what I do. 


    Corrupter vs Defender is one of the pairs where the first one is the default unless there's a compelling case (theme or mechanics) to go with the other. 

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  13. On 7/7/2024 at 4:54 PM, Attache said:

    Canonically, it is more or less where Providence is meant to be, right? Or has it been nailed down elsewhere?

    Working on a PPD ID which has the vague shape of RI on it and thought a star where PC is meant to be might pop a little.

    That's where I'd put it. You can say it's in an alt history where the name of the colony was Rhode Island and Paragon Plantations.

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  14. 4 hours ago, Forager said:


    I have power push with a single kb... I think I'm gonna 6 slot it for kb amd recharge and see what it does. Maybe put some procs in it?



    I don't know. All those procs are going to mean less KB...


    Honestly, it would probably be fine. I made the hero with the mega KB before I really got the proc mechanics and it's slotted with the full Force Feedback set that has a horrible proc rate of 20%. With the better less crappy knowledge level I have now, I'd go either all Kinetic Crash (the 6-slot bonus is +recharge and the others are pretty nice) or the three damage procs which will roughly have a 40% chance to go off along with three KB/whatevers. 

  15. 28 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    obviously you are using knockback wrong.  all the knockback advocates here say you should knock opponents as far apart as possible and let the scrappers chase them like puppies chasing toys.

    I use my powers for good by choice. If I felt they needed a demonstration that choice could be changed, I think few power pushes at magnitude 44.5KB on a 1.6 second cooldown would result in plenty of chasing.

    • Haha 1
  16. On 7/1/2024 at 10:55 AM, Forager said:

    Does anyone have a short, succinct explanation that they have had success with? 

    I'm not reading through 10 pages to see if my answer is in here, but for my characters that have KB I point out that I'm using it like a leafblower to push mobs into the tank/AOE zones. I've never had someone insist on the point after that. 


    The downside is that I then have to not be a bad player and fling mobs around like Mardi Gras beads.

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