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Posts posted by Avigdor

  1. So, I have an odd one.  After zoning into the abandoned sewer network I lost connection to the server.  No problem, I just log in again.  For some reason, all of my macros were suddenly gibberish, and my power tray had gone from three bars to only two.  I switched over to my other build, and half of my powers were removed from the power tray.  When I switched back over to my first build and tried to open my 3rd power tray, I got a ctd.  Now, whenever I load that character I get a ctd.    That's only true for that character though - all of my other characters work fine.


    I have to assume that there is some issue with a macro that I had in my third power tray, and now when the game tries to load that character it automatically ctds because of the macro that now loads whenever that character loads.  Any thoughts, or is that character gone forever?


    Quick edit: Also, my keybinds had reset to default and the character (which was the lowest in the list of characters on the server) had dropped a space, leaving a blank between itself and the toon above it.

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