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Crimson Fletcherette

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Posts posted by Crimson Fletcherette

  1. I also get discomfort from Disruption Arrow and I run the all archer teams weekly and it's sad that people can't enjoy this themed events due to a graphics issue. I do hope some devs could look into this matter. I am not sure how it should be changed but perhaps the rate of pulses could be lowered or increased, as it probably that causes the problems people are having. Perhaps changing it to one initial bright flash, like Flash Arrow, and then after that only some audio pings showing it still active.



    Crim Fletch - TWANG (The Wonderful Archers Network Group)

  2. My missing after flying in the water was #2 in Nova Praetoria in the Vidiotsmap. It triggered when I went swimming in all zones. I sure do prefer when one gets either a individual badge of a set or at least an audio and visual confirmation that you have hit the spot. This one you have to have the badge tab open instead, and keep on switching between that an map. As for me and many others we realise that something is wrong when #19 just don't trigger and you then realise it was some earlier that you didn't get.

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