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Posts posted by eljefe3126

  1. Thanks everyone.  This thread has really opened my eyes to what can be done with this system and how it works.


    Playstyle wasn't much of a decider, since I'm comfortable with many different playstyles, and I like to let the system show me new ways to play my char.


    After a lot of thought and research, I'm going to try a Rad/Dark Defender for my next toon.  Thanks again.

  2. Ok, I understood this game system was flexible, but I'm only starting to grasp just how flexible.


    What I'd like to do goes back to my question from the other day.  I'd like to take part in the smallest possible successful Hamidon raid.  As the number of participants gets smaller, is there any particular AT, build, or ability that becomes essential?  Or is it a matter of with the right incarnate adds, it could be done by any team of X characters, no matter what the builds?

  3. Why are there two identical threads started by posters with 1 post count?

    I have no earthly idea.  Mine was first.  I'm just happy to get an answer to either one of them.


    So...Ninja/Storm MM?  (Be gentle...if I knew the answer, I wouldn't be asking.)

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