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Posts posted by VicZantosa

  1. Hi, I very rarely post, but when I saw the Beta announcement I was really curious about what changes are in store for us, and when I saw the list of stuff having to do with Teleport, especially the 'enterbasefrompasscode' thing, I realized I really needed to make a Beta character, and try this out on behalf of my group.  I was a player on Live, in fact was a Beta Tester in 2003-4 and was really happy to find out it was working again after all these years.  I'm saying this because I'm representing my supergroup of 10 people, which is mainly friends of mine that I know in real life, all of them over 45, all of them not particularly tech savvy, and all of them former Live players, who don't go to forums or beta test things, or even know how to make a base.  I discovered the base teleporter command, made a macro command and posted it on the supergroup MOTD, so that it was easy to use for my friends.  I have about 25 alts, and some members of my group have over 100.  All these facts are important, as these are players that often have not very long to play because of work or kids, don't want to spend a long time flying or jumping or whatever, and everyone was really happy about the fact they could teleport to the base and from there go to the next zone, and it was a big quality of life thing for us.  Even low-level characters that only had a few badges or levels or low influence could still have the benefit of quick travel, and it just felt, well, like a big improvement over Live.  In the beginning on Live, there were no trams, no supergroup bases, no quick travel at all, and travel powers didn't come in until later levels.  That was done as a deliberate time sink, because the devs wanted people to be on longer, and have a sense of accomplishment from getting travel powers.  Well, games grew, and fast travel became a way for more casual players to play as well.  P2W powers were done to get people to give NCSoft money, which is not a motivation here.  This feels like a giant leap backward.  I've tried all these new teleport powers on Beta, and none of them seem like good replacements for an appreciated quality of life item that is being taken away.  These changes feel like a punishment.  All of these replacement powers have something wrong.  The accolade long range teleport is cool, but it requires you to re-work it for every character, and when I am just trying out a low level alt that is way too much of a time sink for anything but my main alts.  The 10million influence P2W thing is too much money for a starting test alt, and it has a 30 minute cooldown, which feels too long to use to get back and forth from missions, if they are not in the same zone.  There's also the fact that not everyone wants to build a base just to have fast travel, and use each others transport hubs.  I haven't read all the comments here so I don't know what prompted this change, but guessing it has something to do with the fact you can use it to jump out of PVP.  I told the people in my group that they were taking away the base teleport macro, and the general response was 'that sucks, it's going to be a lot harder to play, why are they doing this to us?'  Is there no way to do a P2W power that won't work in combat, has a short cooldown like 5 minutes or something (so that you can do a short mission and jump back to your base) and has like a 5 second or less activation, and maybe not 10 million? Me and 9 other people want to know.


    Also, big kudos for all the other stuff you are doing, it's awesome and I am very grateful and all devs win the lottery and all of your wildest dreams come true.

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  2. On 8/9/2019 at 10:33 PM, Ohioknight said:

    That seems like a very sensible approach and precaution and it leaves me with only one question


    WHY  WOULD YOU ANNOUNCE THAT  ?????????!!!!!!!!


    There are probably lots of people who did that and IF NCSoft were ever so wacko as to try to shut down private servers and find individuals to try to go after, those people will all be so low key and under the radar that NCSoft would ever know even to look for them.  Unless they ANNOUNCED that that was what they were planning in a public forum!

    Because I want to have a discussion about it.  The number of people capable of doing this is far larger than just me, and is a factor in negotiations, even unspoken.  Nobody is going to track me down and kick in my door for a copy of a piece of an obsolete and unmarketable piece of software readily downloaded from public sites, and already has been thousands of times.  If I had the only copy of it, or was trying to make money off it, or something like that, I might be a target.  In this situation, no.  Also, I take other precautions.  Forum statements are just words, and not illegal.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Abraxus said:

    I can appreciate all of that.  Much of your story, matches my own with regards to CoH.  But, try to hang long enough to know what the real deal is before going off on your own.  Having a thriving community of thousands of players is an important part of the game that you would not be able to replicate on a private server.  Sure, you could get friends to join, but it comes down to availability.  Not everyone is always able to play when you are, so in a live server situation like Homecoming, that's where you join other teams, TFs, Trials, etc. 


    And, for the record, you wouldn't have to powerlevel characters on your own server.  As the admin, you could take them straight to L50, and give them all T4 incarnate powers if you wish.  There are no limits in your own server.


    I appreciate that, and that's actually the only thing that's keeping me from pulling the trigger on firing up my own server.  The community is a huge part of the CoH experience that can't be replicated with just software, and if I fire up my own server, I would need to open it to multiple people to make a community.  This would also open me up to legal issues bigger than just "I'm running pirated software for my own use in a sandbox that nobody can see".  I assumed that as your own GM you can just make it happen, but I haven't played with it.  I would really like to have this community succeed on Homecoming, and I really hope their lawyer is a demonic shark monster and can make this happen without ruining the hope this has generated in my house.  Both of our kids are now on with their own accounts, it would be a giant loss if this falls through.

  4. Ok, I'm about to write a book here...

    I was an original beta tester for City of Heroes, about the same time that I got married.  My wife is a very sweet person that I'm very fond of.  When I told her about the new game that I was beta testing, she would watch me play, and very quickly became a fan.  The playstyle, the stories, the open world, the lack of requirements for constant missions, the community that was quickly forming, which was different from other games, intrigued her.  When the game went live, she and I both signed up.  We played together on teams, made friends that we would see and talk to daily, and had fun.  She loved that she could play as little or as much as she wanted, without being penalized.  She was never a big gamer, but City of Heroes was the game for her.  We played all the way up to the end, hoping that there would be some sort of last minute plan or escape clause, but no such thing happened.  When the 'Save CoH' movement started, she had hope, and kept hoping.  After CoH shut down, we tried to play other games together, but there was always something that was 'off' for her.  DC Online, World of Warcraft, all of the others, couldn't capture lightning in a bottle.  I stopped playing MMORPG completely, and gained other hobbies.  My wife asked me, weekly, 'Is there any progress on bringing it back, or a version 2, or anything?' for the first year after shutdown.  I stayed in touch on the Titan Network, followed developments, watch the lack of progress on the replacement versions, and shared things I thought were hopeful.  The second year after shutdown all the way up to earlier this year, she still asked me once a month or so.  She missed her CoH characters, her friends, and the fun we had from gaming together.  We still did other fun things, but there was a tiny CoH shaped thing missing for her.  Once the news broke about the pirate version, she was overjoyed.  We quickly made characters and told all our old CoH friends about it, and we've had 5 of them return to the game, and we have a supergroup together.  This is the good part of the story.


    Now for the rest of the story.  I'm not going to let this happen again.  In real life, I am a server hardware and virtualization engineer.  The very first thing I did was download a copy of the CoH server, client, and launcher, and got on eBay to find server hardware that would run it, which cost about $150.  NCSoft has very little motivation to allow this to continue, and has not been very clear about their motivations in any of their negotiations.  I applaud your efforts, but have very little hope that this will result in anything but a shutdown, either now, or six months from now, or a year from now.   Later today I'm going to be saving all of the costumes for the characters I and my wife have carefully recreated from our old Live days on Freedom, and brace for impact.


    I would very much like for the Homecoming guys to allow us to export existing characters, just so I don't have to powerlevel on my own or someone else's server.

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