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Eliza Tope

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Everything posted by Eliza Tope

  1. Hi all! Figured I'd at least post here since I have played with so many pick up groups. If not with "Eliza Tope", Rad/Rad Defender, then "Berry Banana", Eng/Dev Blaster, AKA "April May June" and/or AMJ. "Neon Corrupter", Rad/Rad, may have blinded some on the villain side too. Global was "EX" which was also my Nin/Nin Stalker. Anyway, just remembering all the fun for now as I haven't had a gaming rig for about six years or so for some reason or another... Took a look at "Outbreak" but quickly found that without a mouse, playing is kinda tedious (for me anyway). That said, I'm digging out my old peripherials so hopefully will have something working soon. Have fun, c ya!
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