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Posts posted by Fenriswulf

  1. Hi guys,


    While trying to organise my heroes and villains, I had been moving them around a bit.  Then I noticed one was missing.  After searching for a while and shuffling them about, I found that it was trapped beneath another character in the character selection screen.  In order to gain access to it, I had to move the character that was over the top of it (in the third slot), to an empty slot on the second page to gain access to the character I wanted to play.  Now when I try to move my characters around and have them stay in a specific location, they won't stay there, and instead go back to the way they were listed previously, with a character over the top of the one I want to play.


    Is there a way to fix this, or am I stuck with trying to have to move the character each time to access the one below?  I've tried deleting characters out of their positions to reset this, but this doesn't work at all, and it just means I lose characters instead.  If you're able to help me out with this I would be really appreciative!

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