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  1. Remove EXP and Inf Gain from AE, as it was intended for players to be creative not a farming tool
  2. Guys My idea wasn't about customizing MM pets it was just adding female toons to the spawning pool mostly for thugs and merc's but added the other humanoids for flavor, it don't think it will take a lot to add
  3. Thats a great idea like a tailor option
  4. No sure how my idea went THAT way..... and Female Zombies are totally do able.... just give them a shirt and hair 😛
  5. Ooook that dont make sense since I am Female.........got my HAREM all right there like 😄
  6. Could you all add random Female summons now? did this for all the relevant villain groups yea?
  7. MM pet's get super jump there path is more direct, Controller pets can barely jump. AKA they all ways take the path around and pull mobs on the way..
  8. Grande toss and wrist launcher please. would be good for controllers. would be good for dominator who don't use assault. Please!
  9. Dual Pistol / Trick Arrow Blaster, having 3 bugs with it #1 bow shows but only showing 1 gun #2 can show both guns but now the bow isn't #3 turned of "no redraw" then turned it back on now animations do not play both all the time, every thing was working fine until i unlocked lvl 20 costume, I had not changed costumes until this time have tried this on other costumes,reloaded costumes, and tried making a new one, when i try to load a costume i pre-made with dual/trick it asked me to apply costume fix had ninja run set as super jump changing that back to normal fixed the animations also tried changing the model of each trick arrow and dualP mixed results same as 1 and 2 I ether lose the left hand pistol or the bow
  10. Thank You 🙂 just that makes me feel better lol [is now wearing a wig]
  11. I wanted to post this somewhere because I just spent the past 4 hours trying to fix my screen resolution after the last windows update, and to help my fellow Hero's! If you have Dual Monitors and a graphic card with 1 HDMI and 1 DVI cable port this may help, Make sure your #1 Monitor is using the HDMI cable [because for some reason windows didnt like that i had the DVI as monitor 1] And use the DVI for monitor #2 Hope this helps someone!! This of course was after updating drivers, rolling drivers back, uninstalling drivers.....$@#$%#@!!! windows 10!!!
  12. Ok so believe this has been needed ...like forever, there are many times and many missions you have to fly or jump around the map avoiding groups of MOBS now with any control pet that cant fly... they take the long way around pulling everything 🙂 or you pet simply cant get to you so just like MM pets super jump would be silly helpful !! [dont have a high level controller yet asked in game someone said it still the same forgive me if its in 🙂 ]
  13. Costume BUG, wont show both pistols, you lose the left hand, or you can show both pistols but not the bow
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