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  1. Troll is TROLL! Im still kicking around. My Global is @RockfordPennington. Good to see some Pinny people around.
  2. Troll is TROLL! Im around. Global is @RockfordPennington. Im so glad it wasn't taken already! *deadpan* Nice to see some JL still kicking about.
  3. Don't burn me if this has been mentioned before, but I am rarely on the forums, or the internet for that matter; except in CoH and for work. Thus, I haven't mined the forums for how many times this has been suggested before. Suggestion: Reduce Local chat range to something like 20 feet and create a new chat called something like "Distant" which picks up the remaining range Local had before. This would allow a lot of the open and private areas 'feel' larger and mitigate *some* of the chat-scroll. Just a thought.
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