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Hyperion's Blade

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  1. I greatly appreciate the advice. I am just wondering which of the slotted bonuses are not worth it? I assume the ones that give toxic/psi/mez resist because that is the one I see consistently across most of my 6 slotted powers? Is it because the rare dmg types that it becomes more of a gimmick than useful in the vast majority of situations?
  2. I have not played in a long time, like 3 to 5 years ago, and I don't really know if I did this correctly. I never really interacted much with other people in terms of min/maxing. I was looking for some opinions on what I did right or wrong, and if there we some areas I could possibly improve upon. Thank you, Controller (Ice Control - Kinetics).mbd
  3. Hi, I've worked in tech the last decade or so and have extra resources and time to devote to running a high capacity dedicated Coh server to contribute to the cause. I can put up multiple servers in any number of regions that may be needed. PM me if this can be done. Thanks -jadacyrus
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