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Posts posted by Boltess

  1. 4 hours ago, DR_Mechano said:

    It is a shame how much better designed the Strikeforces are. I looked at the mission list for Numia since its the weekly and by god is that second most boring design for a taskforce I've EVER seen. I get the feeling that one was a Jack Special. It literally contains about 13 'go here defeat X number of X' missions. The WORST designed taskforce has to be the legendary Quaterhell. Defeat all after defeat all after defeat all for 22 missions...twenty...two...missions...

    If HC ever gets the green light to modify and create new content, they should focus their efforts on revamping the task forces, especially synapse and quartermane.  Numina may be boringly designed, but at least its different than the others. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, boggo2300 said:

    No CoV you don't really do anything villainous at all, if anything you are a sucker being used as a patsy,  NONE of my villains in live had a back story that worked with any of the mission arcs in the way they were written

    Well that's a constraint of the game's rating and audience. In order to keep the game family friendly and below an M rating, you can't actually do any awful things to innocent people.  Remember you don't actually kill any one in this game, you defeat them.   There are no kids to kidnap, no cute furry animals to stomp. The worst you do is rob a bank, and that's it.

     In some ways, I think COV shouldn't have existed at all, instead they took the time and resources to build it into beefing up the hero content, which generally is poorer than redside(compare Virgil Tarikoss SF to Synapse TF, for example).  

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