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Posts posted by xmenlegend

  1. On 4/11/2023 at 11:09 AM, UltraAlt said:


    Makes sense to add a little more color to the set.

    Color tinting can helps a lot, but I don't know if color tinting will affect Storm Cell's lightning.



    oh, please. not "more white". The white fx and all white characters hurt my eyes. 

    But you can use color tinting to change the color of your powers.

    I can use /noparticles 1 to get rid of the SFX and that helps a lot, but I like to see the SFX, so please avoid white power SFX.


    *** Other SFX stuff ****


    I agree that it can be a bit hard to see where Storm Cell is located - especially if you have Steamy Mist up.

    Color tinting seems to able to compensate for this, but I have no idea how many players color tint their powers from the-get-go. 

    So perhaps color tinting the area of the Storm Cell fx that is at ground level would help better define its location for players that are having issues with that now.



    Good point with the white FX. Maybe instead more gray like Steamy Mist or Tornado?

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  2. I love the set so far! My only suggestion would be to make the lightning fx the same color yellow as the lightning in "Lightning Storm" in the storm summoning set, that way all the powers aren't just blue all the time.


    Maybe also make the wind fx more white and leave the snow/rain/ice blue?

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  3. On 9/1/2021 at 9:33 PM, xmenlegend said:

    I recently got into keybinds in this game, and I'm SO excited to play with this. Thank you!!!

    So I've played around with this a bit and I quickly realized I have no idea how to actually use this. I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Is there somewhere I can read more about how to use this?

  4. 1 hour ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Now, the above is not a real world example and with higher global recharge the Scrapper might pull ahead but is still limited by the longer cooldowns on DP and IH compared to the faster Second Wind on sentinels. In the moment when the clicks are up, the scrapper may pull ahead as well.


    What may make the biggest difference is the Absorb Shield that Sentinels get that acts as an additional layer of defense. Attacks get resisted / miss, and then have to chew through that layer before actually hitting you which provides a ton of mitigation for the regen to work underneath. If IH was changed just to Instant Regen it'd be a gamechanger.

    Thank you so much for all the info. I'm speechless. Do you have any builds you've saved for regen scrappers? I'd love to see what you've put together.

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  5. 5 hours ago, MTeague said:

    Maybe some of my viewpoint is because I use /Regen on a Stalker, not a Brute, not a Tank. 

    But I honestly think people just have it in their heads that "Regen sucks" without having really played it and seen what it can do.


    I'm making no attempt to repeated soak an alpha strike for a +4/x8 spawn or even a +2/x8 spawn however.

    I suppose it depends on what is your baseline for "it must be able to do X".  Mentally I still have it pegged as "Scrapper/Stalker set", not "Main tank set".

    I think I may remake my guy as a scrapper. I don't think I'll ever be able to tank a +4/x8 group and that's fine, but people are going to see I'm a brute and expect that.

  6. On 6/21/2019 at 2:30 PM, The Philotic Knight said:

    [*]Personal Force Field - Don't touch it, it's PERFECT for what it does. I love the new "can interact with things in the world, but it makes it suppressed but doesn't de-toggle". I don't know if SCoRE added this, or if it was added after I left in 2010, but it's AWESOME.


    Sorry if this was addressed before, but my Personal Force Field on my Controller definitely doesn't do this; when on I'm stuck in "Only Affecting Self".

  7. Back in the day, Instant Healing used to be a toggle power for regen scrappers/stalkers/brutes. Since then, it was turned into a click power with a 10 minute cooldown. I would love to see this power turned into a toggle again to make regen builds more viable. Even if the cooldown was reduced at least by half, that'd be a vast improvement. I just don't feel like this power currently holds a candle to comparable powers like "Rise to the Challenge" in the Willpower set.


    Maybe I'm just bad at gearing my regen brute (he's only level 32 with no IOs) but I die quite frequently, even with Instant Healing active, so it doesn't exactly seem game breaking to have it on all the time; spike damage will still get me killed.

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