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Victoria Victrix

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About Victoria Victrix

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. After you "Talk to Arakist" Nemesis are supposed to spawn and start wiping out the PPD. Instead, Nemesis spawn and all the PPD on the map turn from friendly to enemies and gang up on you with the Nemesis. Quite the unpleasant surprise.
  2. So he's still a professor? Interesting considering that to do this study he violated every single ethics rule there is in psychological research. 1. He did not inform the IP owners of the game that he was conducting a study on their players, nor did he get their consent to perform this "study." 2. He did not inform the players that they were participating in a psychological study. 3. He did not bother to find out if any of the players he was bullying were minors. 4. He did not get player consent to participate in the "study." 5. He did not get the consent of minor players' parents to allow them to participate in the "study." 6. He did not offer psychiatric counseling to players who were traumatized by his "study." By all rights he should have lost his job. He, and Loyola, could have been sued by the company, the players, and the minor players' parents. The only reason he escaped what would have been an appropriate firing is because he was employed by the mathematics department. The people in his department are not psychiatric professionals and thus "technically" do not have to abide by the ethics of psychiatric professionals. Which is a little like someone employed by the mathematics department torturing puppies "for a study", then claiming that they don't have to abide by the ethics of the biology department. Technically, they don't. But that doesn't make torturing puppies right. Yes, he got dragged up in front of the Ethics board. He also lost a book deal. I know this, because I was the one that contacted the Dean and pointed out how the University could have been sued by the players and parents of the minor players. I contacted the book company and pointed out they could be sued too. The book company dropped him like a hot rock. The University wimped out after slapping him on the wrist.
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