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focused totality

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  1. Lag, animations skipping, rubber banding, pauses when interacting with any object or talking with any contact, not being able to open doors in maps, Hostiles in maps jerking around all over place when you fight them. I can confirm all of this since yesterday's patch (12/3/19). Like SuperDan and Toshia I am also on AT&T. It only happens on CoH, everything else I play is just fine. My speed is good, usually between 800-900Mbps. I can also confirm that the patch took an unusually long time to dl, especially on the .pigg files, like they were stuck at certain points. I did the stupid thing of re-starting Tequila, thinking it would help and believe it may corrupted some of the .pigg files. Re-validating doesn't seem to help. I'm going to try a fresh install.
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