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Dante Skye

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Posts posted by Dante Skye

  1. So for the last month and a half (almost) that I've been back, I keep going on a streak of disconnects that last a day or two. It's *almost* exclusively when I'm in a mission, and it keeps happening right before I can complete the mission. If I'm solo, this means I have to log back in to a mission that's completely reset, and start it all over again. If I'm in a team, this usually means I'm missing the mission completion bonus due to DCing right before it finishes. It always happens at least halfway into the mission, usually closer to the end than not. I've had these disconnecting streaks for a day or two probably about six or seven times now.


    Here's what I've tried so far:


     -- Revalidating.

     -- Restarting my computer.

     -- Playing in Homecoming, Homecoming 64-bit, and Homecoming Safe Mode.

     -- Uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

     -- Reducing graphics to nothing.


    It's not a wireless router or ISP issue -- I'm hard-wired in, and nothing else (Discord, etc.) disconnects when this happens. Only CoH. Can someone please save me from this misery?    Q.Q

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