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Posts posted by NevetsYar

  1. altoholic -

    I may have a problem.

    Currently 158 Toons spread over 3 servers. But at least 29 of them have reached 50 and one is even vet level 68, with all tier 4 incarnates.

    I mean who needs real life friends when I can always create another alt....lol


    I also have charts and graphs ON EXCEL  to track them. So if my on-line friends need a 30's defender I can see what I have in a flash.




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  2. I actually create family themes. all 100 have a bio. Ten to a family Name Desalt's grew up in KR, the Pepper's in Steel, the Glamor's in Eden. The family names are just clans they are "Mostly" not really related. This keeps the story line open, the Roses are mostly villain's side, with a few cross overs. I have in D&D always created backstories, so it comes naturally to do so in COH. I usually make a reference to my main character Shaverra Desalt. With a if I can't stop you she can, so beware....lol Anyway if you like reading backstories it is fun if other have them, but I don't get offended if you don't.

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