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Everything posted by Darkone519

  1. Darkone519

    IO trouble

    Haven't played my brute Street justice/Dark Armor for awhile and have some IO'S sets slotted but he weak and defense is terrible please help. Thanks
  2. Thanks for the help and suggestions,after trial and error and 4 respecs later it's work good and I do have all my incarnate powers and I am a lvl 50 veteran is now 87
  3. I have a 50 veteran magic blaster and pretty much have slotted sets in my powers and seem to me that I am not doing that much damage now,where did I go wrong at?
  4. RIP Capt OdO /Adam He played on the pinnacle server and most nights we were gaming together,I have started a new Capt to honor him. I was Darkone 519.
  5. Looking for some help on this one,I have tried a few builds up until 50 and now have my Alpha slot.
  6. Thank to all of your help and now let the fun begin!
  7. Don't care
  8. Played as Darkone419 and I played a lot with Capt oDo who passed away several yrs ago.That his toon on my profile.
  9. more unkillable and more damage and and can live without certain powers
  10. Darkone519

    Kinda Rusty

    I haven't played since the shutdown years ago and got my tank to lvl 50 and looking for a good respec build for my Invuln /energy tank,help me please.Thanks
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