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Posts posted by Goddamage

  1. Thanks, everyone. Great advice, all around.

    I was just asking, because, as we all know, you rarely create a character that uses all the primary and secondary powers if you plan on using any Pool or Ancillary/Epic powers... sacrifices have to be made. I do have to say, with Ninja Run, I have started skipping Super Speed/Super Jump and Fly on most builds. Ninja Run seems to get me where I need to go fast enough. I also tend to skip Placate and Taunt powers. If I'm gonna fight something, I'm gonna fight it. I'm sure there are situations where those are useful, but again, if I want some Pool or Ancillary/Epic powers, sacrifices have to be made.

    That said, to be honest, I've never lvl'd a toon high enough to even get to the Ancillary/Epic powers, and a lot of times, on my character builder, if I pick any of those, it's usually just whatever fits the "theme" of that particular character, if something like that is available. Thoughts on those? Are any of the Ancillary/Epic powers "must have" or "don't bother?" Or are they just "Eh, if you want. Depends on the build/situation."?

  2. Thanks for those replies. Just wanted to jump in real quick and point out a specific example I thought of that applies to this...

    I've seen a lot of builds that include Boxing, Tough, and Weave. Now I don't know how useful Boxing, itself, is, as I assume that's picked just to have access to Tough/Weave. And I practically never see Kick or Cross Punch chosen. Is Boxing that much better than Kick/Cross Punch? Is it incidental, and it's strictly just the better of those 3 choices? Does it even get used, or is it just to unlock Tough/Weave? Does anyone ever pick everything from that Pool?

  3. New to the forums here (first post, actually), and I was just wondering if anyone could tell me (or point me in the right direction) what powers in the game are the most useless. Like, I've seen a ton of things suggesting different builds and what the best powers from different archetypes/power sets are and whatnot, but for homebrewing purposes, I think it would be easier to just see a list of powers that basically you should always skip and never bother with. Ya know, powers that just really aren't worth wasting that space in your build, no matter how much you try to buff them with enhancements or whatever. I figure most of these are Pool powers, but maybe there's some others, like in a specific power set or whatever, where you'd always be better off choosing maybe some Pool power instead of one within that set. I'm not really talking about stuff where it depends on how you plan on playing the character. I know team/"other" buffs are useless to someone who mostly solos. Just things that people with tons of experience in the game would almost universally tell you, "That power's just not worth it." Like, powers that just don't have a lot of opportunities to get used properly, or maybe the effect just isn't worth sacrificing a better power that could've been in that space. Thanks!

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