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Posts posted by Accarian

  1. So I'm playing with a couple of friends and I think the endgoal with the characters is to run all TF's. Currently trying to figure out a INV/SS tank in mids, love hyperstrike's framework but I got a really cool costume design for a ele/ele tank, but I can't seem to make one in mids that looks like it might work. 
    Does anybody got a build for it, that would survive tanking Recluse or if there are stronger bosses out there those bosses? (Hamidon doesn't count, he scares me) I don't mind running some farms or grinding merits, so inf is no problem.


  2. 1 hour ago, Caulderone said:

    Willpower's taunt was fixed in the recent Tanker update.

    Is there somewhere I can read up on those tanker updates? I have already looked at the patch notes for january 23rd but couldn't find anything about the willpower taunt change and I know I have read it somewhere else as well

  3. Thanks to everybody for the great advice and peace of mind 🙂

    13 hours ago, Call Me Awesome said:

    I don't know if the changes to Tankers affected the aggro aura of WP and SR or not, they used to be the red headed stepchildren with almost nonexistent aggro auras.  That's what kept me from rolling those two sets before.

    According to mids evasion has a mag 4 - 13.6s taunt aura, only 3.4 seconds less then invincibility from the inv set, so I think that they fixed it for SR, WP still only has a  mag 3 taunt aura

  4. I want to build a tank, and I really have alot of concepts in the back of my mind, but looking at all these builds I get terrified of making a gimped build.

    All these builds are so crazy cool and complete every time just a bit more resistance or defense, but do we really need to min/max to such a degree to be able to tank all the content?

    I know every tanker set has some kind of hole, something it is really hard to overcome by itself, but should I be worried that I haven't min/maxed enough in order to tank a ITF?


    For example I have a simple SR/MA tank build that I really like playing, but offcourse my resist isn't that high, defense is more then enough, but will I be able to tank most things in the game with just taking some orange candy from time to time? or should I abandon my little warrior and make one of those crazy inv or SD builds I keep seeing here?

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