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Posts posted by heywoods1230c

  1. Quote

    New Origin Power Pool: Force of Will

    • This power pool grants you access to various powers that allow you to manifest your own willpower and use it to harm your foes.
      • You can only have one Origin Power Pool (Sorcery or Force of Will) in your active build.
    • Weaken Resolve: You overwhelm your foe with sheer strength of will, reducing their defense damage resistance, and chance to hit! Recharge: Long
    • Project Will: You manifest your willpower into a blast and project it toward a distant foe, causing moderate psionic and smashing damage. Project Will has a fair chance to knock the target down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
    • Mighty Leap: While this power is active you're able to leap great distances and jump incredibly high. In addition, while this power is active you're able to use Takeoff, which will knockdown nearby foes and increases jump speed. Recharge: Moderate
      • Takeoff: You stomp your foot on the ground with tremendous force empowering your jump speed for a short time and shattering the earth beneath, knocking nearby foes off of their feet. Recharge: Long
    • Wall of Force: You project an unfocused blast of sheer force at foes in a short wide cone in front of you, dealing moderate psionic and smashing damage and potentially knocking targets down. Wall of Force requires you to have two other powers from the Force of Will power pool. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
    • Unleash Potential: Unleashing your potential, you grant yourself a moderate boost to defense, regeneration rate, and recovery for a short time. Unleash Potential requires you to have two other powers in the Force of Will power pool. Recharge: Very Long


    ANSWERED: it's on pineapple right nowit wasn't clear to me what the post meant by "Please note that the existing experimental powers changes are still live on Pineapple, but they are not part of Page 3."


    When will this power set be live? I don't see the power pool as being available on any of my toons when I went to respec them just now. I tried on both a hero and a villain. Something I'm missing?

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