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Everything posted by Rager

  1. Dang some people take this game way too serious. I guess that is normal, since it is a hobby and all. Just reminds me of my grandpa ol fishing stories and would almost get in fist fights with another ol man calling him out on it. Might as well chime in to this mess since it did give me something to read. To the Op, I understand how you feel. The flaws with the game piled up, and you just want to play your main char. I feel you, and the people in this thread telling you just ignore, and others don't have power over you blah blah. We all know it is not the whole truth. People will irk you, people will get you upset and even hurt your feelings. Nothing you or anyone else can do about that. The only thing you can control is how you handle it. My niece growing up has to deal with this type of thing, where schools protect them from negative feelings and tend to make it like it is the end of the world. So, she has to text her uncle at times to clear her head. My answers to all of this is not a right answer. Every person has to find his or her own answer. I just tell her, that hurt feelings, broken heart, getting upset. They are just that feelings, and we should not run away from them or even be scared of them. We must all find out how to live through the good and bad times. Not force others to live by our system. That is all I can say about this. It sucks that he upset you, but is being upset really that bad of a thing?
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