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Posts posted by Rinswind

  1. Hey there! So short post, but any chance to have an additional customization option added to "Adrenal Booster" from the Experimentation power pool?


    I think it would be awesome to have the animation from "Drink Formula" costume change emote be sped up and available as an option for this power. It's such a great animation and it sucks only being available as a costume change emote, which goes for most of them actually. So many would make great power animations.

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  2. From the suggestions so far I think I like "Electrical Interference" and "Galvanism" the best. 


    My suggestion to throw in would be "Galvanic Modulation".



    Furthermore I think the name, while technically accurate, would be better suited giving more of an impression of support/tempering. "Electrical Affinity" can easily be used for an offensive set in any game as well which is why it might be too broad/generic a term, even with Nature/Darkness Affinity being a thing etc. Just imo. 

  3. Hey there! Just wondering if it would be possible to somehow fix it so when you go to +5 all enhancements, the purple "Special" IO's are excluded as they cannot be enhanced in-game. It's just really frustrating to have to unslot every "Special" set and reslot to remove the +5 enhancement. Or have some way (hotkey) to individually +level specific enhancements or the such. 


    *Edit* Just found out you can use + and - hotkeys when slotting to already do this, wow that's a big relief. Still, excluding the special IO's that can't be enhanced would help with QoL speed building etc in the future. 


    Also the "Superior Entomb: Recharge/Chance for + Absorb" says it gives a 60% recharge boost which I don't think is correct, thought it was like 23% or something in-game. 


    In addition, I have no idea how the background programming of any of this works - so this might be a pure fantasy - but would it ever be possible to add a slider to the Destiny Incarnates? So that you can see the effect values they give at each of it's intervals? It would be a huge quality of life to be able to toggle on the part that is permanent so see your bottom line values. 


    Thanks 🙂 

  4. 54 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

    actually you should scroll up this thread a bit.  Sir M was able to get ~2 min times on pylons with SS.  

    Sorry, I wasn't really talking about Pylon effectiveness. I guess pylon DPS is important? I wouldn't know I don't really do them, but if that is the measuring stick for "dps" -   fine. But I'm talking more in a general gameplay, normal scenario type perspective. 


    My main point is, whatever balancing/tuning needs to happen to make Rage have no negative crashes while still being competitive , should happen, as no other set has negative drawbacks this severe for using their built-in mechanics. As in, making us be careful about using it off cooldown and having to always keep your eye on your buff tray so as to avoid unwanted negative crashes is a pretty terrible idea IMO.


  5. 7 hours ago, Sniktch said:

    The error in your logic is trying to use Titan Weapons as a balance point, instead of a drastic outlier.


    To reverse your logic, what business does Super Strength have being so 'strong' when Energy Melee exists?


    Answer: Energy Melee is a drastic outlier, and should not be used as a balance comparison until it's brought up to a reasonable level.  Similarly, Titan is a drastic outlier, and should not be used as a balance comparison until it's brought down to a reasonable level.

    Super Strength is most certainly not in second place for damage though even with double rage, so the problem basically lies in that SS is just not a good set from the get go, especially given it only has 1 AoE. But I guess if you want to nerf everything at the top down to a certain level, and buff everything bad up to a certain level, go ahead. But you are still left with the fact Rage has a crash at all, when the other sets have no punishing effects attached to them. 


    The only way to justify the crash was if currently every set was equal, and SS had the option to increase it's effectiveness a little further with the second rage at the cost of the eventual negative crash, the trade off. Though I'd prefer just 1 stack of rage and no crash but with higher base values on the set to make up for it. Basically if everything were to be better balanced to a certain level why should Rage be inflicting negatives when other sets don't have to deal with that sort of thing but still having equal power?

  6. On 9/10/2019 at 8:10 PM, johua said:

    Honest question: why does it need to be punishing to any builds?

    Super strength has three (arguably four) good powers in it and I doubt it would be the GOAT if you just straight-up removed the crash, especially in a world where Titan Weapons exists and doesn't have any punishments attached to it.

    Exactly this. Rage having a crash at all, when Titan Weapons exists, is just laughable honestly. This whole debate about how hard it should crash etc is just bewildering to me. It should not crash at all, even with double stacked Rage it's not reaching the potency of the other, better sets as it is. 


    If anything at all then, I'd prefer to have it only stackable once with no crash whatsoever so you can just use it off cooldown without having to worry about accidentally double stacking it which is honestly a ludicrous situation to have exist. IF it has to crash at all , 2 stacks or not, this should be a damage ONLY crash, why the heck is it crashing survivability stats so harshly, so unnecessary and counter intuitive to it being a tanker set. 


    I also agree Hand Clap needs to do some damage so it can have greater access to IO sets and give the set a much needed extra AoE. 

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