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  1. Over the past two to three weeks I have notice an increase in players having the Fold Space power from the teleportation pool power set. At first I thought it was a fun / easier way grouping enemies mobs together, however as time has past I have found it to be more of an annoyance. I mainly like to play melee toons, so grouping mobs together is a thing I do. While running teams for radios / task forces I am repeatedly finding players that will wait until I have grouped multiple mobs together to then Fold space half and or even the whole mob away from me. It gets even worse when there are multiple players with the power and they keep teleporting the mobs around. I have honestly gotten to the point where I am checking peoples powers before starting TFs and even stopped playing as a tank altogether. I am surprised that even when I ask for the teleporting to stop, I am met with "why?". This has been my experience so far with Fold Space, but I was simply wondering is another players have been having this same issue. Don't get me wrong I still think it is a useful power, but I feel like something should be done when it comes to teleporting mobs that are already aggroed.
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