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Posts posted by Wandering_Mania

  1. Please consider making it the following:


    +50% exp bonus for -25% inf, +100% exp bonus for -50% inf, +150% exp bonus for -100% inf



    Leveling solo needs major help. I know there are people who just love to jump into a large group and get carried to 50, but there are players like myself and others that would rather level by ourselves without feeling like we were just PLed to the top. However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions.


    Another idea is give players who are NOT in a group a bonus to experience if you can add that.


    If you want a solo MMO go play Black Dessert Online.

    But I can say from personal experience, it's boring and very dull. It gets very old, very fast, and incentivizing 'solo play' would kill almost all 'team play' making almost every team activity impossible to start, or even do. Look at Champions Online for an example of that. It did just what you are talking about and it's now a dead, or dying game.

  2. I honestly think both games had/have their Pros and Cons. And both are 'good' in their own way. The do vary in some key areas, but without that variation, you would have nothing but a cloned game, maybe with some updated graphics.


    CoH/CoV had:

    • Better and more rewarding team play
    • Better overall map design
    • Better character choice (Choose Hero or Choose Villain)
    • And the moral compass in me can't forget the lack of MTX


    CO had:

    • Better selection of costume parts(Most locked behind expensive MTX)
    • More definitive 'gear' over the 'Enhancements' that CoH/CoV has
    • Vehicles and Vehicle 'End game' raids (Also accompanied by MTX) (Though why some 'Super Heroes' need a vehicle is beyond me. You never saw Superman driving in a car normally)
    • Teaming up was usually reserved for 'end game' raids, and near the end of the game it was more; 'Hop in an alert queue over and over to level as fast as possible then wait in more and longer queues to try and get the raid you wanted/needed'
    • Oh and the voice overs, please for the love of everything unholy, I wish I could forget those horrible cheesy voice overs


    Personally I think CO was more 'geared' to attract the 'WoW Population' and CoH/CoV was more tailored to the gamer/hero/MMO audience. It was all a shift in 'gaming culture' that made the 2 different.


    On a side note; 'MTX' means 'Micro-Transactions'. Just for those that don't know what that term is.

  3. Discord also has voice channels.


    It's like IRC + Ventrillo combined into one.

    Except with Vent it didn't require you to make an account filled with info they could easily sell to 3rd parties to pay for their servers. No, no, no. Discord is not the answer.

  4. Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback.


    Your best bet for up-to-date info is the Discord server: https://discord.gg/X4fWUDV (see the server updates channel).


    Thanks. Just joined Discord. The benefit of forum notifications though is that we don't have to sign in anything to see the notice.


    I second this. Also, some people may not be able to run Discord due to *ahem* corporate policies... but can still run the game... a forum sticky that showed server status would be REALLY nice.

    And some may choose to not support Discord at all due to Discords corporate policies. So yeah here would be helpful as well.

  5. On my defender 'Cryptech' (which is based off of a Warhammer 40k Necron Support Lord), I do RP while on that character. It is on the Excel server. But I have remade that same character on the Torch and Everlasting servers as well. So if any one sees me around, expect some odd responses to simple things.

  6. Add my name to the list, along with my character on Excel 'Cryptech', that has/is seeing this happen.

    Was trying to do a mission with a radio team and the whole team got stuck in the door. We see if we can log out to clear it, and now I'm seeing that error.

  7. I was just in Excel and got 'mapserved' out. But I am both glad for the game to be active again. And happy to see the team behind this blessing doing what they are doing.

    In time, we will have, one would hope, a stable gameplay experience just like the old days. Frustrations are understandable, but so early in this test they are a necessary evil.

  8. So I said this is Discord a few times, but I'll put it here (I also said I was going to bed, rip). I absolutely, fundamentally hate that we can't all be playing right now, together. I hate that people have to sit in a queue at all. But right now, we have to. It's the only way to keep the servers alive at all.


    And I really, really, really hate that people spend so much time sitting in a queue to then get an error or mapserved and kicked in 5-10 minutes and go right back to the end. I was talking to people in chat about it and it seriously made me want to cry. I love this game, I know you guys do too, and I want us all to be able to enjoy it again.


    I promise the devs and admins are aware of the issues and concerns. And I promise they're working on solutions to improve literally everything. Is this ideal? Obviously not. But it gives the servers some semblance of stability so they don't have to restart every couple hours. Because restarting servers takes up their time. So instead of doing upgrades and improvements, they're stuck with basic maintenance and spinning it up. We don't want that to be their time sink for now.


    Everything will get better. Please remember this server was stood up.. what, like 4 and a half days ago? And there are maybe 7-8k people trying to log in at the same time. That's absolutely incredible. Our player base is growing faster than our hardware, so for anyone saying "well it was fine two days ago," we literally have twice as many people trying to get in. It is not, and has not, been fine. And that's okay, we're getting there. Be patient. Hit the queue and go for a run. Call your mum. Remote in and see where you're at, and adjust. And if you can't do that, that's fine too. We all want to play, but maybe take another week to give us a chance to get better. Or for someone else to pop up another server, which will happen eventually. Just bear with us - it affects us all the same way. We have non-GM and non-admin accounts to play with and they have to sit in a queue too, so trust me, we're right there with you.

    I was in-game at 5:00 (mountan time). Went to get some dinner, got back and ate. Got in the queue at 6:30. Was able to get back in-game at 9:30.

    Had a tiny power flicker at 10:50 and I'm back in the queue again for what looks to be like another 3 hours.


    There has to be some kind of balance so the wait time can be cut down. I understand the need and the requirement of the queue to keep the servers from experiencing what may look like a mock 'DDOS attack'. But 3 hours is a bit much when unexpected things like a power flicker can kill 6 hours of playtime.

  9. When a 'corporation that shall not be named' wrongfully ended my ability to play CoH/CoV I was justifiably upset.

    But now I can come back and enjoy the game once more.


    If nothing else, you guys have given me some amount of 'closure'. I can only give you guys my thanks for this chance. But I hope that is enough.


    Thank you.

  10. I played the following MMOs. Though the order may not be accurate.



    Ultima Online

    Anarchy Online


    City of Heroes/City of Villains (briefly and ended with a random banning just after the release of CoV)

    EvE Online

    Guild Wars

    World of Warcraft (extremely briefly and ended with an unjust random banning in the vanilla)

    Anarchy Online

    Age of Conan

    Hellgate London


    The Sims Online

    Everquest 2

    Planetside 2

    Champions Online

    Star Trek Online

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Path of Exile

    DC Universe Online

    Black Desert Online

    NeoCron Evolution

    Warcraft Online

    (And a bunch of random others too forgettable to remember)

  11. It's the origin that most easily explains any power combinations. No science or tech or genetics requiring a backstory or explainations, just one word: Magic. Done. Easy. Or at least that's my theory.

    I made an 'Angel' like character with the natural origin and I don't think an angel would need a heavy handed backstory to explain their abilities.


    I think magick can explain a lot more than some of the others can. It's a wider range topic than tech, science, mutant, or natural.

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