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  1. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to try and make my own mesh assets. Like I'm a lick away from being able to do what I want, it just can't be loaded in the character creator because of certain flags. I wish I could just force a broken costume, but I know that would have its own problems. Stretching aside, got so close..
  2. As said above, yeah. When you edit the .costume file, you tell it what to point to like.. hood_1, which is something that exists in the game. You can't just make up an asset out of nowhere that isn't in the game, unless you put it in yourself. AFAIK you can mod the assets that are in the game, the .pigg files that the game stores locally for you, but it'll be just that. Local. Only you will see the changes, and that doesn't seem to bother the devs. .costume files simply point to which assets you want to use from the game and how they should be displayed on your character when loaded. Nothing about editing it uploads any meshes/textures/content.
  3. Exactly!!!!
  4. You can already edit .costume files, but you can only set it to assets currently within the game, so no that's not possible, and not what I'm asking to do either. I'm just trying to have certain combinations of assets.
  5. Dang. I know it would be a little less faithful to the original if they did lift the constraints, but man would it go miles for the RP community to really go full hog. Also would probably spark some really frighteningly atrocious abominations but would still be neat to see.
  6. I feel like I just spent the past two days trying to find any and all information on such, but I figured I'd finally make my first post and ask the question myself. Is there any way, or any tool that someone has made that allows you to work outside the constraints of the costume creator, IE to put a hat atop a character with a specialized head. I've edited a .costume file to get what I want, but it just doesn't let me load it for it being an invalid choice. I have no idea if the devs would even allow something as such, the last thing I could find being remotely similar to the ends I wanted was from this post here: but it got discontinued. If there's not a way to do this, because I'm now figuring that this is mostly a server-side thing, are there any plans in the future to perhaps lift such constraints?
  7. So before I actually made this post, I went to test a few things just to see if I was crazy or not. Here's what I found. On short characters -- as in, you go minimum height bar on a normal body type (only tried for male), outfit physics will beak when you use beast/ninja run. Capes, trench coats, any dangly cloth bits will seemingly freeze up in place for several moments or even permanently until you turn the run off. I tried this with a normal sized character, everything worked fine. On a short stack min-slider though, broken as can be. This bug is also visible to other players, not client side. Checked it with a friend of mine. If anyone wants me to show them in game, feel free to give me a poke @Sirris In these pictures you can see my character's bottom half of his trench coat having basically anti-gravity, even though he is standing still. Stood next to a vendor for size reference. Posted here as per request of GM Widower
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