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  1. Something like this is what I envisioned when I first created the thread, it's not too different from regular super strength and addresses most of the reservations people had about super strength on scrappers. I'd also suggest that another possibility is that rage could be a smaller passive increase to toHit and Damage though I have always liked the risk/reward of rage so I'd prefer what you described as my ideal solution.
  2. I don't remember that being in the SS powerset...
  3. Yeah of course, a SS scrapper wouldn't be able to solo very much content as rage currently is. I was just pointing out that even SS as it currently is, isn't desirable for a tank archetype. Characters like hulk are supposed to be more durable than a rage crashed tank or brute are.
  4. Isn't rage as it currently operates antithetical to that since it directly hurts your ability to survive?
  5. That's a good point, I would say that street justice is a better fit for that archetype in most cases though.
  6. Completely agree, I'd like to still have rage in some form because I like the risk/reward of it.
  7. I honestly don't like the theming of stalkers, I prefer non stealth themed characters.
  8. Yeah it makes me sad, scrappers the rage crash would make SS scrappers be glass cannons until full build anyway. I'll be ok with my street justice scrapper though.
  9. Also each powerset could be tweaked to each AT's strengths this way so no powerset is considered garbo for one AT but perfect for another. This is definitely the ideal solution but it would require a crazy amount of work and likely new animations.
  10. I think that would be cool too but street justice is already perfect for stalkers. Super strength fits the theme of scrappers more. It would be neat though.
  11. Super strength also doesn't have to remain exactly the same as it would be on tankers and brutes. Rage could be changed to fit the AT more and there wouldn't have to be a taunt anymore. There could be other differences added as well. They could add it while having the Brute/Tanker variant remaining unique. Of all the powersets to deny Scrappers it's just a strange that it's super strength of all things. Especially since the theme of super strength is attacking recklessly in order to deal more damage through the rage mechanic which is exactly what scrappers love to do. It just seems like a perfect marriage of themes and mechanics that scrapper lovers have been denied from launch.
  12. I agree a lot of AT's had their unique powersets turn generic and that maybe shouldn't have happened, I disagree that the AT's aren't unique since now the major seperations are melee, ranged, or support but there are plenty of AT's that are still very unique like dominators, stalkers, and blasters. I think the main area where the AT's are pretty generic is the melee AT's with stalker being the exception. Brutes, tankers, and scrappers all have the same powers with super strength being the only discrepancy. I would love more changes to scrappers, brutes, and tankers to flesh out their differences but thematically the character of a glass cannon strongman is impossible at the moment for no reason other than "it's always been this way and tanks need something to be different." I think the best way to solve this would be to have a tanker and brute unique armor set. It would make a lot more sense for the two AT's that focus defense to have their own unique defense powerset. I just don't think super strength is what should be unique to tanks just because thematically it doesn't make sense even though it's how it's always been. If it stays the way it is though I can always keep playing my SS/Bio brute for that offensive SS fix. I would prefer the community to be happy over my own personal desires for the game.
  13. Why would you hate it?
  14. Rage crash is 99% of the reason I ever die however it keeps things interesting. The damage that you gain from raging is well worth it. I don't think rage crash needs that big of a buff honestly, I kind of like how risky the powerset is tbh. I think, and this goes for all powers jumping archetypes, that they should be compared to the other powers around them and either tuned up or down based on how strong they are for that AT. Just giving scrappers rage would likely be completely busted, allowing over 1000 damage in a single hit. If they gave scrappers something like half of rage with half of the detriment, I think something along those lines would make a lot of sense for balancing it to factor in crits.
  15. I agree that rage in its current form could be very overpowered along with crits, but if it's tweaked to factor in crits, I think it would work very well with the theme and gameplay of a scrapper. That's different than titan weapons on a scrapper because titan weapons is the opposite of sneaky and goes against everything the stalker is supposed to be. I do understand where you're coming from with moving powers to different ATs but it would probably be less work than making a whole new AT since it would just beel tweaking numbers. Rage in its current form is already more powerful than buildup due to the crash, however tankers don't have crits and deal less damage anyway. It would be sad to have rage full on replaced with buildup but if balancing rage for scrappers is too hard that could be an option. The problem is that super strength without rage isn't anything special and would be overshadowed by all other powers. I think it would just be as simple as doing the math to make sure the average damage of the powerset is on the same level as other powersets. I know that I'm not the only one who would like the change, it's just always been an inconsistency that bothered me.
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