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  1. I agree with Luminara. It is not tied to the SG portal. That just happened to be where I was when I took the picture. It is happening all over. As far as zooming in and out goes, when I zoom out (i.e. camera farther away from the character), the text becomes more centered. When I zoom in to first person view, the text is completely gone. Presumably it is somewhere above the upper edge of the viewable screen, but I don't know for sure. I would really be fine with moving it, but moving it to where it is covered by the default placement of the NAV window seems wrong. Also, part of me just wants to know if I'm crazy in thinking that it was not like this a year ago. If no one else is getting that, maybe I just need to uninstall and reinstall the game. I might try that over the weekend. Or I might be lazy and just play more on my Villian. 🙂
  2. Well... That does seem to affect it. This character (Crimson Cop) is the shortest that the selections will allow. I used up several free Icon session tokens so I could experiment. It looks like any height setting affects the placement of this. I setup 5 of my 7 costume slots with progressively taller character heights and each one affects the placement differently. I also checked another character (Second Sound) that is the shortest the system will allow, and she gets the same placement as I showed in the previously attached screenshot. Further, all of my other characters are the default height (a little over 6 feet) or a bit taller. The default height seems to place the info where it has always been. I know that it was not present before. Crimson Cop was my second character in Homecoming, and he's been around for over 2 years. (Although, I favored other alts for a while, so he's still only level 46.) I don't always use the info when I'm on a team and things are happening very rapidly and chaotically, but it is a necessary thing for me when I'm soloing (especially with blasters). "Out of Range" and "Target Blocked" mean that I need to adjust in a different way, so I pay attention to those things. Therefore, this has to be a somewhat recent (maybe over the last few months) change in the operation of the game. Am I the only one getting this issue? Do other people's Combat Warnings (for lack of a better name to call that info) move with the height of their character? Is my human memory crap, and this has always been how it works? Or is this a recent bug? If it's not happening on other people's game, then maybe I just need to uninstall (and clear any leftover files) and then reinstall the game.
  3. I tried that initially, but I tried it again just now with some variations in steps I take to do it. Still no luck. 😞 I guess the hidden window (if that's what it is) is not one that is controlled by the windows tab in the options list/window.
  4. Well, I went through all the selections that can be reached through the Menu -> Options window. Are there any more that get accessed through other areas? For example, when you want to look more detailed numbers for combat, you have to go to the Combat Attributes window and activate a window that displays that information. So maybe there is another window/menu that I don't know about. However, I should have mentioned that I already went through the Menu -> Options window and compared with one of my other characters. I also created a new character yesterday and took note of the fact that it also uses the expected placement (i.e. middle center). Therefore, it's not something that changed in the game. It's just something that changed on this character. Thankfully, I can move the NAV window a little to the right, and it does not impact the gameplay as much. However, it's still annoying, and I want to figure out how to set it back. 🙂
  5. Something else I just noticed... It moves with the camera angle. When I'm looking down on the enemy, it is in the middle-center.
  6. Hello, I'm not a savvy enough player to know what this element of the game is called, so my searches through the forum were fruitless. However, there is an area of the screen that displays things like "Target Blocked" and "Out of Range" and "Invalid Target" when you are trying (and failing) to activate a power. On all of my characters these messages are (or were) located in roughly the middle-center of the screen. However, recently one of my characters (Crimson Cop on Excelsior) has had this element move to the top-center of the screen. (See the attached screenshot. The arrow points to where it used to be.) Since this is where I keep my NAV window, this means that either I have to move the NAV window or those messages get covered up. That's really annoying when you are experimenting with new combat techniques and especially playing with the range of your sniper shot. Anyone know how to move the messages back to the center? Or, for that matter, I'm pretty sure that those messages come as part of a hidden window, so what's that window called (maybe I can adjust the window parameters for it)? I have vague memories of a time when I had mistakenly activated something (maybe a debug mode) that shows me where a bunch of "windows" are located. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to activate anything like that now, so I might be remembering from a different game. 🙂 Any help that anyone can provide would be appreciated. Thank you.
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