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Everything posted by WarriorBSD

  1. OK, here's my findings. It's obvious at first and was proven at play. Make your primary toon a ranged hero and your secondary toon a melee. To control my secondary, I use a wireless external numeric pad and keep it next to my main keyboard. To reduce relying on the mouse for the secondary, I assigned "Follow", "Select Nearest Enemy", "Select Next Enemy", and "Select Player 1 (or Player 2 if the mish is for the secondary)" to 4 of the keys (non-numeric) in the numeric pad. Before I engage a group of villains before me, I left-click (using primary's mouse) on my secondary (that way you can see what your secondary is targeting), "Select Nearest Enemy" (using secondary's numeric pad), then "Follow". Basically, my left hand doing the shooting/healing, and my right hand doing the bashing. On occasion a villain sneaks in to attack my primary. So with a "Select Player 1" - "Follow" - "Select Nearest Enemy" - bash (one of the numbered keys) I get rescued. Also, I suggest that secondary should have flight power. Finally, you should make sure that the secondary's camera is pointing to the same direction as your primary. Once in awhile I would make the mistake of assuming my secondary is targeting a group before me but when actually it was targeting a group behind me.
  2. I was reluctant to create a mastermind and a following toon team. But now I'm inclined to make a mastermind and mastermind team. 🙂
  3. I'm thinking of doing a sock-puppetry thing. You know. Have a "conversation" between my two heroes. Just for heck, I put both heroes' conversation on Local. Then they locally greet each other hoping players over hear it. I got this idea from remembering a Renaissance fair I went to a long time ago where some people RPed and rumor-controlled Robin Hood. Was amusing.
  4. Since CoH is 1) free, 2) not graphic intensive, and 3) a no-brainer to play, I created a second account using one of my many email accounts. So I've been "soloing" with two heroes for several days. I started them off at first level. I'm trying to develop finger habits on a cheap laptop to control the second hero. Also, re-assigning keys is VERY helpful. Once I'm comfortable in controlling them, I might team up with a group. I don't want to be annoying to anyone while I managing more than one character. Creating a duo really gave me more thematic builds. I've made three teams: 1) a wizard (blaster) & demon (fire tank), 2) husband (sentinal) & wife (tank), and dwarf (axe tank) & elf (blaster). Just FYI
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