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Posts posted by stave7

  1. I created an archery / ninja to see after reading this thread and another similar. Got her to 50 and T3 on some incarnates, just to make sure that I am assessing her fairly. Conclusion: Archery is good but /ninja makes me sad that I didn't get a better secondary like /tactical arrow or /devices (or any other)


    She's so bad compared to my main blaster (beam rifle/devices) that I've stopped playing her.  I might make a second archery blaster even though I nornally never revisit a set I've played, because it was so good it almost compensated for ninja's weaknesses.


    The major issue I have is that it doesn't convey a ninja play style. The lack of decent build up means that the initial burst damage is very poor. I don't know who thought the build up mechanism was a good idea, but it doesn't work well solo and it doesn't work well with teams.  The low damage of the secondary attacks makes them 'meh' to use: I could have shot them with an arrow instead of wasting my time with the sword. The level 2 confuse / sleep was laughable.


    I also played a /ninja sentinal. And ... wow.... /ninja on a sentinal is fantastic. I was only defeated three times getting to level 50, and two of them were because of the team I was in. It felt like a ninja, it exemplar's fantastically well and was a joy to play from beginning to end.


    I think there is a case being presented that 'there are secrets in here that are not obvious that make it good, and I'm not going to tell you them'. Sadly I tried to find those secrets and failed. Perhaps that's because I am a rubbish player, but on the whole I would recommend to people that don't want to nerf themselves that they should get a better secondary (almost any other)





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  2. Firstly I'd like to repeat the message others have given: we really like having the game back.Our first priority should be to see that it stays.


    Personally I quite like easy content. I'm not after a great 'challenge' in the game where I have to do something twenty times before I finally manage to 'get' how to solve this bit of the puzzle. I think though COH is perhaps a little too easy. It would be nice if there was a reason to do play existing content in a new way. Rather like Ouroborus? There could be rewards that are valuable (like accolades?) for having to get teams together to do this. It's all to easy to get this to fall into a 'grind', but I think there is a lot of old content we don't visit, and it would be great if there was a reason for us to go do it.


    There is a lot of rubbish early Hero side content of course. As said above the 'go click the box at this location in the city' missions should just go. I think most of the later content is good and some of it is great.


    As for other ideas, I really like the idea of accolades. The 'passive 4 accolades' are great and give a goal and direction for the character. Some are rubbish though: a single target immobilise once every 25 mins. That's a joke right? It's at the 'plastic toy in the christmas cracker' level of desirability. Having accolades that are actually worth it would be great: an AOE immobilise every five minutes would be something people would want to spend time getting, a decent aoe every reasonable time perios,... that sort of thing.  



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